
Wha?! I did NOT catch that! *sprints off for a rewatch*

Oh, the BURN from Harmon regarding Troy/Britta being the most boring development to happen to Greendale was snarky. I liked how it served several functions - first, they had Jeff say it, so it looked like he was jealous, and it then served as a meta critique of how S4 handled that relationship.

I agree that it would be a great subversion of everything we're used to seeing on every other show. It's almost like presenting a 'will-they-won't-they' - but the script is flipped, and the question is pondered on whether they'll even last as a couple. I mean, God only knows with these two…

B+, but really gotta wait for next week's.

Hehe, no, it happened on SpoilerTV. In the promo pics for 513 thread. It got ugly. That said, I AM a JB shipper, but I try not to fangirl everywhere.

YES. This is why I'm kinda thinking they'll actually pull it off. I think everyone's expecting them to flop, but what if…? WHAT IF.

Yeah, I know. I love J/B, but if someone doesn't share that opinion with me, fine. What gets me is if someone starts to feel ENTITLED to getting what they want out of Harmon - something the JA shippers talk about incessantly, as if Harmon owes them. And then if they don't get it, they talk shit about Community as if

Yes, I remember. We were talking about the spoilers for this ep, and then next thing I knew, comments were being deleted left and right. It's a shame. Jeff/Annie fans knew this was coming, and they felt a bit high-strung, to say the least.

Oh, there is a strong contingent out there. It's me.

It's not the age thing, although now that we know he's 40, it's teetering into that territory. It's more so that Annie is still portrayed as "immature" - for example, she still sleeps with stuffed animals - and Jeff is stunted enough where he can't help but sometimes exploit that. Someone mentioned Britta/Slater being