
The phrase "Stannis getting sniz on the reg" will now be all you chuckle about tomorrow at work.

I was prepared for the notion that Hank may die at the end of Californication: by the laws of karma he must be a cat to have survived this long. But using Carrie to this end seems a genuine "we're trying to force a Chekov's Gun" situation. She was more entertaining when people were talking about her without her being

I thought it was a solid B, easily.  Good cheap laughs the show is for, a heart-wrenching sacrifice by Hank while he has to watch his daughter wail on him and he's bound to this tramp of a stripper the whole time. I don't particularly like the angle that could lead up to a Karen-Bates break up, but I won't slight a

Poor Runkel. I'm still holding onto hope that he'll rise above the comedy monkey he's been the last couple years.

Although I think the dinner table, and Hank's accompanied discomfort, was the highlight of the episode, I really want Runkel and the blind date to work out by the end of the season. There's been such an emphasis in the Runkelverse (this word seems right, doesn't it?) about Charlie's sexual inadequacies that I think a

I don't know why exactly, but I felt like this episode was actually deserving of a solid B, especially compared to its peer episodes this season. I think the general decline of Family Guy has made it difficult to be excited about the show which might translate into poorer review scores, but I think as objectively as I

It really disturbs me that the days don't work out well to put Hershel out of the murk when it comes to when Sophia got shoved in that barn. There was what, one day between even knowing about Rick's group, and two nights until the remainder of the group met up at the farm before they could have picked up Sophia

One of the better episodes in moving this season along, by far. Carl knows he has to grow up in this harsh world, Shane has a reason to stay (or someone to leave with him), Dale's the wisest person on the Earth and will tell Rick about the barn inevitably, I think Maggie's encounter will push her away from Hershel's

Gimme dat fruit!

I wouldn't say that the headbanging / gun scene is the worst scene I think Dexter's ever done, but it certainly was the strangest…

The way Masuka's intern eyegropes Dex, I have the distinct feeling the obvious is going to happen: he follows Dexter for research on his video game, finds out what Dexter does, etc.

Aside from the Maggie/Chestburster gag, the Avatar segment was the only one that had me consistently smiling, not so much because it was Avatar but more because of the alien culture differences.

I'm calling it, not picked up for a second season. Has potential, but I don't know if the potential exists in a MacFarlane-dominated night. I could see it living for 2-3 seasons or more if anchored to a sucessfull Comedy Century

Even though he's been on a bit of a downswing career-wise, I think that Rogen here came dangerously close to overexposure. Perhaps it was that I already saw him in another work where he made a pornography (with differences of course, but the core is the same), or maybe it was because he was teamed up with Raffi, a