
That was a metaphor for Sloan and Don's relationship. She want's to eat the food but doesn't want to be seen eating it because she is protecting an image she has created. She likes Don but doesn't want to shed her image of an independent woman.

Neal did something stupid in the pursuit of journalistic integrity and morality. Hallie did something stupid in the pursuit of something stupid.

Her wedding comment was in direct response to her friend asking her about it and if women didn't obsess about weddings nobody would.

The only thing more tragic than a tragedy are those who view tradegy as an opportunity.

How about the fact that he's exhausted from covering Boston, irritated that he has to deal with yet another screw up from his staff, and conflicted internally about his own journalistic integrity. No particular reason.

Lady Luck

To me Hallie is a worthless character. I could see where she cushioned Jim's fall from the Maggie situation but there was no reason for her to work for ACN in the first place let alone get fired for something so far less consequential than what Neal is going through.

I'm pretty sure that guy is not acting. I'm also pretty sure everybody who works at the EPA is like that.

The Sloan/Dan relationship battle was overdone. We get it they have great chemistry but neither one wants to commit first fue to a general gender role reversal. Now move on with the show.

I think point is that crime is easy to solve when you have dedicated police that is of course assuming there is a point. Hard to go too in depth into a show that lacks depth.

Right? Let's establish he's a good guy before revealing his dark side. Gotham blew their load way to quick on that one.

This episode flat out sucked. Let's start with the introduction of Harvey Dent while Gordon and the worthless idiots from I.A. look on. Dent flips a two-sided coin to decide whether a teenager goes to jail whilst simultaniously attempting to put the fear of God in him. This could have been more complelling if 1 - we