Fatty Fatty Fat-fat

Whoever JJ Adams is…not a bad idea though.

It's probably been pointed out somewhere above already…
…but, Josh, don't invite R. Kelly to your house. It'll only end in tears.

Agree with the OP…it's just so terribly convenient that these two academics agree on absolutely everything about what why things happened two millenia ago…

I came away from the book offended at how fucking PAT the backstory is, and everyone's relationship to it. E.g.:

We'll see if D'angelo's worth his salt when he screens "Football in the Groin." Better give it an A/100.

Thanks for the Twilight Zone reference. Fhtagn.

I'm The Man Who's Suing You

@Josh: Too true about the creepy video. I've just watched it three times consecutively. She's captivating, and the song's very diggable. Gonna have to get this album.

The Wind in the Wilcos

I've Got Reservations (About You)

I did a little research, and it turns out that Bongrain Cheese, USA, is a division of ILG. Their website says they use your bodies chemicals, after you die.

The "Hi, Mark" clip…can't…stop..watching…it's like delicious, hilarious candy.

I'm too lazy to read all ^that crap and see if somebody quoted Sealab:

Richie, have they tried to take your stapler today?

Er, day, that is. Stupid lack of an edit feature.

And don't forget about "Do Shut Up". It runs on PBS to this say.

It's not Smeagol. It's a "mysterious alien creature." See ElDan's post.

This is all well and good, but…
…when are you finally gonna taste test Whatchama-chicken?

It really does look like a production still from Lord of the Rings, illustrating the use of forced perspective.

I guess I can add "Sarcasm Sam" to the list of people upon whom my screen name is lost.