
Nine Months
Well, guys, welcome to your new home for the next nine months. It could use some drapes and maybe a new carpet, though.


Smokey is a pool of water? I doubt that.

Er, they've had sudden changes several times. The second flash, the quick flashes before Charlotte's death, the flashes when Locke's trying to climb to the plane, gets shot by Ethan and patched up by Richard.

I have to agree with VanCampen, the film that Lucas had the least to do with was the best. That said, ROTJ will always be my favorite, if for no other reason than it was the only one I was old enough to remember seeing screened.

T2 Costumes Were Sweet!
Anyone remember the costumes they had when Terminator 2 was released? They had half of a metallic skull, wax, makeup, and fake blood to make your face look like Arnie's at the end of the movie. It took almost an hour to apply and looked pretty sweet. Now they just have a sack to put over your

Aardman Films?
So, are we not counting Aardman's films (Chicken Run, Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Wererabbit) as "feature-length competition"?