
Danny did not praise her, on the contrary, he said that only rappers hungry for exposure are co-signing her.

Just wanted to echo the sentiment. Dont really have anything to say about the episodes but I think it's great you're doing these reviews.

I actually thought about JD from Scrubs. I'm pretty sure they even used the same joke on Scrubs, even if they didn't it just seems such a JD thing to say.

While I can see how other people may not like "My Nickname" and I understand the sidestories aren't that good it still remains one of my favourite Scrubs episodes. I don't know, maybe that's just because I love the JD/Carla dynamic. Anyway, that's all I had to say.

For a guy complaining about Kanye not getting the nomination you completely missed the joke. It's a lyric from "Monster" " have you ever had sex with a pharaoh. I put the pussy in a sarcophagus" .

Saw it after seeing like 5 seconds of the trailer. DIdnt really know the premise, just knew that it was comedy. Loved it.
It just seems not that the movie is getting a wide release in America all those people who saw it way back want it to succeed. And so they recommend it very highely and that just sets up a failure