Comrade Pig

Streaking is a little anti-climactic when your dick's on your face.

It's too late. Cappadocious already ended up like this.

That's really one of the biggest tragedies of The War on Terror in that a lot of these problems are now institutional ones at their core, and changing institutional norms and cultures can be incredibly difficult even for the motivated and the willing.

Yeah I'm not really sure why it's inspiring so much vitriol. The guy is not saying that the song is filthy garbage that ought to be banned from existence, he's not even barring his son from listening to it and enjoying it.

This sort of reminds me of two occasions in high school, where I woke up and immediately started going through the motions of getting ready for the day just assuming it was the usual time.

Season 3 is a bit of a slow starter, and includes a handful of episodes at the beginning that are a bit underwhelming by Mad Men standards.

Yeah, the biggest issue with most Model UNs is that everyone tries to get along, and acts essentially as themselves rather than their assigned country.

I did Model UN one semester in college and the gender balance had shifted in the opposite direction.

Incredibly long, accidental naps are the worst. I fell asleep at like 9:30pm on Friday and was so irritated when I woke up at 2am and realized I'd burned through my night. Then again, that's what I get for having stayed up until 3am listening to a podcast on Thursday.

I belatedly got around to watching Argo, which had been sitting around my house for about a week. The film is a fine example of the sort of tight, well-crafted movie that Hollywood should and once did make frequently, but is something of a rarity in the current age of bloated blockbusters.

I wrangled and emerged victorious in a battle with my company's labyrinthian DOS based database system, as part of learning various required skills for my new position.

Our sex lives.

Fantasize might not quite be the right word given that he was experiencing a fever-dream while incredibly ill.

We were kept warm by the love of Papa Stalin, Comrade. Let us see your TV show do that!

I used to really enjoy Little Caesars as a kid. Don't you ruin my unfounded nostalgia @avclub-75e43c12ef9f1cfdaeae92ca6fa90640:disqus!

I would skip the most of it and just watch the handful of episodes that were well-received by the majority of viewers.

There's only one thing worse than the ''62 Mets, and that's the 2013 Mets.

Comic book guy?

Back in high school my friend once bought a cake from Kentucky Fried Chicken and then we all ate it inside the movie theater watching while watching Rambo.

In the darkness of the post-apocalypse, scholar-monks will pour over ragged manuscripts for countless millennia. Raising their hands into the sky and bellowing the eternal question 'LISA NEEDS WHAT, NEEDS WHAAAT'