It's very possible that NBC/Sony has simply become afraid of losing their one remaining program that brings in reliable ratings, and simply want to shore up the existing fan and viewer base by trying to get getting Harmon back on board.
It's very possible that NBC/Sony has simply become afraid of losing their one remaining program that brings in reliable ratings, and simply want to shore up the existing fan and viewer base by trying to get getting Harmon back on board.
At this point, the behavior of North Korea is immeasurably more consistent and logical than that of NBC/Sony's television departments.
Please, as if they'd be able to steal ratings from Single Female Lawyer.
Screaming? Sounds like someone uses Soviet toilet paper!
I think there was a one-off line about not being able to unfreeze the remaining soldiers in time without killing them in the process, but that whole plot element was definitely a bit slapdash in its execution (not to mention its implications for the greater world of the film).
Star Trek: Turn Off the Darkness: Mixed feelings on this one on the whole, there's a lot to like about the picture I was very much entertained throughout its whole run-time, but things do start to fall apart a bit when you start putting just a touch of thought into the proceedings.
What perplexes me most is that his post was made at like, 3am according to the time-stamp. What kind of dedicated troll comes on to post at that hour?
Iran is a difficult case, because the nature of the regime's support base is quite a bit different from many of the Arab states. It faces some of the same problems (Struggling economy, political repression, large youth population), but the regime also carries a great deal more legitimate popular support than the vast…
Crom laughs at your firstie.
I don't think her statements above are contradictory with someone being sex positive. At least per my understanding, sex positivity is primarily about moving on from shame/judgement in relation to sexuality, and creating a safe, consensual and communicative space for people to explore it and their tastes.
Once again you've bamboozled people into a pun thread, you sly dog!
They'd better hope the launch for their console goes better than those of online-dependent titles like Sim City and Diablo 3.
See you suckers later! I'm on the lam!
The name choice really is perplexing to me, aside from being kind of nonsensical it doesn't roll off the tongue in a very satisfying way. 'Xbox 360' has a nice enough flow to it, Xbox One just sounds a bit curt and awkward when spoken aloud, which you think would be a greater consideration from the marketing folks.
Wider ties are on the upswing now anyway, so I'd roll with those particularly if it fits with your body type.
Nope, she's of the 'very selective' variety, and with that many messages I can certainly see why.
Username: Comrade because I'm a Soviet/Russophile, and I've been using various variations on the pig theme since forever, based on a comic character I created in elementary school.
Avatar: Photo by 19th/Early 20th century photographer Eugene Atget. I like his work and the time period and in this particular case, the…
I went to message a girl yesterday on OKC, but wasn't able to do so because her inbox was completely full.
I'm always a little suspicious of guys who very vigorously proclaim they would 'never lay hands on a woman'.