Do it, it's a great show and a perfect way to burn off your sick time. You can easily wrap up its entire run in a few days.
Do it, it's a great show and a perfect way to burn off your sick time. You can easily wrap up its entire run in a few days.
It's certainly possible they'll go that route and her behavior in some of the early episodes might suggest it, but I nonetheless took her actions regarding Lagertha as sincere.
That is a truly unfortunate album cover.
I watched it over the weekend as well, overall a very strong picture. The beginning scene with the Gettysburg address quoting soldiers was a bit too on the nose for my tastes but otherwise the movie was highly engaging, well shot and of course full of memorably acted characters. It was refreshing to see a big budget…
Those fellows seemed to be wearing the same gear as Theon's Iron Islanders last season. It could be that Bolton men just dress similarly or have repurposed the armor, or the show is simply trying to mess viewers, but I seemed to take it that these guys were roving mercenary types, maybe deserters, and not actual…
I'm certainly on the same page as Brandon in my distaste for 'extreme horror' films and in fact the wider genre of horror as well. I know in part that my bias against the genre is unwarranted and hypocritical, but despite that I still find something off-putting about a great deal of horror despite not having an…
“If you really prepare yourself, the world won’t seem like such a scary place.”
There are few things more depressing on the internet than stale old memes that have been dredged up and reinterpreted through the prism of chain-email conservatism.
Comedians seem to be rapidly approaching actors in their inflated sense of self-importance relative to what they actually accomplish.
Ancient Rome during the reigns of Trajan-Antonious Pious would be mighty fascinating and was a period of relative peace. The period in the immediate aftermath of the Napoleonic wars and also the 1870s-1880s always have a certain allure as well though that's more a romantic conception than reality.
That's a bummer man, but given the rude response I'd say you deserve and will find better anyway.
That's his name in the darkest AVC timeline.
Although Stairway to Heaven would be infinitely less painful, Hotel California might win on account of being more thematically appropriate to the scenario.
In a rare instance of me buying an article of clothing without a collar (undershirts and the like excluded), I picked up a House Baratheon Game of Thrones T-shirt over the weekend.
Going to see District 9 at midnight easily stands among my most enjoyable theater-going experiences, so I'm unequivocally quite excited for this.
In the case of my dog, tedium entails sleeping adorably on a pile of pillows and then having other people feed you.
I went to school in NH and I'm fairly certain that I've seen that exact truck. My reaction was rather similar to your own.
Overall I thought this was a solid episode, though not without its rough patches. Namely, the duel itself and the entire funeral and ragnarok sequences were excellently done and this show continually manages to eek out some strong cinematography for a modestly budgeted cable program.
Based on the fashions this show transformed into Boogie Nights so gradually I barely even noticed.
Noo problem.