Helmut Kravitz

You're right, never mind. Give Sky Blue Sky a listen. Impossible Germany, maybe?

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot is the album everybody went the *most* crazy for. Try Jesus etc.

Mario 3 toys
I had those toys, and they were also played a notable part in my childhood. Luigi was on a cloud I think, and I don't know that I ever got the Koopa. My dad used to take me to McDonald's during his bush league summer softball games. Man I was excited about Mario jumping off his little suction-cup stand.

Even a mediocre episode of Lost…
is better than an amazing episode of just about anything else. But I do have to wonder - what the hell is season six going to be about at this point?

Lost irony isn't fun for anyone.

Lost irony isn't fun for anyone.

And that you were both last on the attendance sheet in grade school. How do you know Zack's married? Come to think of it, have I ever seen you two at the same time?

Online Gambling
Anyone interested in a grade pool to anticipate (and potentially influence) Zack's forthcoming analysis?

This just in: Zodiac Motherfucker *is* Zack Handlen.

I was wondering what your stamp would be. I'm quite satisfied.

What are firsties in this crazy new world?
I want this episode to appear on Hulu so I can watch it.