
When he played at the Rally to Restore Sanity and or Fear he was actually pretty good, but I think he is one of those people who have actual talent but it is buried underneath a thick layer of self-parody and Pamela Anderson's various STD's.

Stick to actual funny people
The best one as of recent was Bob Saget, because the people actually knew him and he was funny himself. Just picking random celebrities is fucking bullshit.

Donald Glover x 1 gajillionbillion

Fucking military internet network…

Jim and Pam's wedding should have been the series finale

Jim and Pam's wedding should have been the series finale

I'm incredibly picky about anime, but love Cowboy Bebop like crazy and almost shit a fucking brick when I heard the Keanu as Spike rumor a while ago.

I honestly don't think I could rank them like that at all. I could pick out some favorites, but impossible to say that one episode is the worst.

One of the five stories should be a Junior type situation
Get Ahnuld on the phone!

Always and Forever
A Green Hornet defender.

Meh, followed after seeing the first one, and they don't post enough for me to remember "Oh yeah, I need to clean out the pages I "Like."

People only lie about the Godfather and shit, I hope Catfish doesn't end up as a movie people have to lie about seeing.

Workaholics is one of the laziest shows I have ever seen. "Three White Hip-Hop Listening Stoner Guys work at a dead end job and smoke weed and stuff."

The Paranormal Activity Facebook page was WAY too excited by this.
"You will never believe who we got to direct the next installment! Big news coming up!"


Not the worst idea
I guess it depends on the type of devil he wants to play. I could see a Hercules' Hades type of thing with him.

Going on looks alone. If there was one, I think she would win a Miss Piggy look alike contest hands down.

If they ever need casting suggestions for a live action Muppets movie
She could totally play Miss Piggy.

I thought Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs was suprisingly good.

It's Always Sunny
I kept hoping that the passenger would let Kate know he had something set up for her at the Gloryhole.