
Go to theblaze.com It's basically the Huffington Post for Beck-heads and it's so fucking great that it's almost depressing.

No, the Koch Brothers are exactly what Beck says George Soros is, but for the fucking Tea Party

For this to be a real Beck conspiracy you have to add in a couple "Do your own research" and "I could be wrong"s.

Yeah, but the chalkboards were the best part.

How am I supposed to know who George Soros controls now!

Batman & Robin

Yeah, espiecially us military assholes who get forced to live in shitty areas and live and work with people who give movie reviews based on how many explosions there were and if the leading lady was hot or not.

As long as Chloe Moretz pops up numerous times in the last season, it'll be okay.

Serenity was just what Season 2 would have been, but tweaked for the people who had never seen Firefly. It's still canon, I for one would have liked to see what happens after Wash was killed, even though I fucking loved that character.

I'll take yawning over women who sound like they have a 12 year olds voice when you bang 'em.

After two years atationed in Okinawa, every sex sound a woman makes is better than "Japanese Sex Cry-Moans"

And owned by George Soros. HE'S EVERYWHERE!

I don't think so, but Jesus Camp is one of the fucking scariest documentaries I have ever seen.


The reason I don't want Palin to run at all is that I have this fear that she could maybe squeak by with a win. That's fucking scary.

Yeah, pretty much. The mother just spewing all of this bullshit "Science."

Everytime Michele Bachmann mentions her love for home schooling I cant get the home schooling scene from Jesus Camp out of my head.

The thing is, I would have to go to a military library since I am stationed on Quantico, and those books ARE ALWAYS GONE. I had to read an old Michael Savage book and one by a retired general about how the liberals are trying to destroy the military from within to get my batshit crazy conservative viewpoints.

I really want to read her books, but the fact that a small percentage of what I pay will go to her and into her future campaigning has kept me from buying them yet.
