
I thought the same thing for Bed Intruder winning.

Kanye stiffed again…

Hate! meant hate!

Also, if you have the singing(ish?) NEVER LISTEN TO THE TREES.

Makes sense, seeing as how Geddy Lee does both. In case ya didn't know.

Salt will probably go into the next Failed Film Francise Attempts list.

I didn't say that, I like Rush a lot. But I don't think Geddy Lee is the BEST BASSIST EVAR like a lot of Rush fans do.

God, try telling a Rush fan that Geddy Lee ISN'T the best bassist ever and dodge the impending thrown punches.

Meh, Amy Adams is in it now so I will at least have her to stare at. Great casting by the way.

Let me rephrase, not as much as refusal… mostly ambivalence.

Both times Alice in Wonderland won an oscar I wanted to put my fucking foot through my tv. I know that his movies are made for the awards they won, I didn't think that movie deserved any fucking recognition.

If you want a really good Comedian documentary, check out "I Am Comic." It shows the bullshit they have to put up with on the road and why a lot of them become really fucking cynical and sad as they get older.

This is one of those bands
I refuse to get into because of how many times I have been told "DUDE, YOU HAVEN'T LISTENED TO RADIOHEAD!? YOU HAVE TO!!!!!!!!!"

I started out watching Lewis Black's Root of All Evil to come that much closer to seeing everything Patton Oswalt has ever done, then became addicted and watched all 18 episodes straight.

Nope, that'll be after people realize that a contemplative Super-Man is better that a super slo-mo Super-Man.

No one else noticed!?
When Fey was sitting in her car in LA, she had the exact same haircut and outfit from the insurance commercial that was uncovered last year.

With the information provided it sounds like he could live near any college anywhere.

If it were on TBS it would just get hijacked by Tyler Perry.

Not as long as "doing things ironically" exists.

When do we get a mini-series based off of the Fake Rahm Emmanuel Twitter Account?