
It's worth noting that it costs almost twice as much to buy Community digitally on Amazon or iTunes as it does to buy the physical DVDs. I hate watching TV shows on DVD; digital downloads are a much more convenient medium (no menus, no disc swapping, no trailers or FBI warnings, etc). So my solution is to rent the

Release in podcast form?
It's not that I don't adore your lovable mugs, but my schedule and circumstances prevent me from watching web videos of any kind. I was a faithful iPod listener of the AV Talk podcast until it vanished. Is there any chance you could maybe publish the audio tracks of these things to iTunes as

Movies to Avoid
I do NOT recommend Hostel 1 or 2, Wolf Creek, Broken, The Collector (2009), or any of the August Underground movies. Absolutely soul-crushing stuff there.

I agree. It's the 'Withnail & I' of zombie movies.

Wiley Wiggins (Mitch in Dazed and Confused)

"the Bob Balaban death scene" I just saw that film for the first time last week, and that scene was one of the most childish stunts I've seen in a movie in years. It's like that scene in Laser Blast where the kid shoots the Star Wars billboard with his alien death ray arm. [SORTA SPOILER] There was also that whole

Damn. I watched the first one alone in a dark house and found it pretty terrifying (except for that damned Ouija board scene which apparently crept in from some other movie). I have no interest in any sequel, though- they won't be able to re-create the unique tension the original created for people who were willing to