I'm not taking the time this deserves, but you're fucking idiots. You just are.
I'm not taking the time this deserves, but you're fucking idiots. You just are.
"Flakes"? Where the hell is "Flakes"?
You fuckers polisoned my mind with clips from that execrable piece of indie tripe, and now you're telling me Indiana 4 is worse than "Flakes"?
Yeah, I haven't seen it since it came out, but as I remember it's only implied in the sense that it's explicitly declared.
Everyone should know
"Moorestown" by Sun Kil Moon is one of the most crushingly beautiful songs ever written. It's devastating.
You know what Willard needs? A swift kick in the nuts. Am I right?
I don't come here for this
Holy fuck did that ever make me mad. I'm not even a hater; I'm an optimistic guy who figures people almost always do the best they can with the tools they're given. But holy fuck did those clips ever make me mad. I'd never even heard of this piece of shit before, and now a part of my…
I like Noel, he's a sweetheart, but I'm guessing Verbena's cockrockery will turn him right off. Whereas I love Verbena FOR their cockrockery.
Same boat. In my defence, the only scene I remember is the rescue of Thandie Newton Keith above refers to as not sucking, plus I have impeccable taste. But the way everyone talks about it it sounds exactly like a movie I'd hate the shit out of, so it's always spooked me a little.
@ Harlow
I guess I could have gotten away with "least threatening." I can't think of the right word(s), actually.
The heroism of Noel
"My earliest memories of MTV are of watching with the sound turned way low, while waiting for my turn at the bridge table."
I'm humbled by Matthew Marsden's humility
I think you were a little rough on the guy. It seems to me he was honestly mystified as to why anyone would want his autograph.
See, a dork from the 90s - note the pre-turn-of-the-century dismissive slang!
Dorks who lie, lie, lie!
I've never bought or stolen an Oasis record (though in the mid-90's when one had to choose sides, I came down for them over Blur - true, time has been kinder to Damon Albarn, but that wasn't obvious THEN.) Still, if you're a fan of rock music and say you don't like that song, you're either a…
Don't listen to this guy - see my comment below, and trust me.
You're good, Rabin
"It's the story of Adam and Eve reborn as an intergalactic Dionysian sex musical, only much, much weirder."