Buck Mulligan

Love that logo. Way better than what they have now


Thanks Pops. I really needed your balanced and thoughtful analysis to help me process last night's tough loss

Yeah, I'd really love a glimpse into the progression of each episode and to know how much he's coming up with on the fly, because I really get the sense that, at the end of a day of shooting, he'll talk to his production team and say "holy shit, I cannot believe what's happening - we have to run with this"

I think it's the matching shoes/socks that made the get-ups look so cartoonish

His judgment and restrain when doing these types of scenes are really remarkable considering that he's making decisions on the fly. I get the feeling that he's never really planning too far ahead and just letting the moment guide him to funny/interesting places. I kept trying to see into is head during that scene -…

I would've also accepted "Tyrannosaurus Ref" or "Mos Ref"

I saw it as part of the "Nathan" character's ongoing and extreme efforts to be liked and accepted by everyone. I thought it was pretty fitting that he'd see these people working hard for him and think, "you know what these guys need - some apple juice."

And next week on Charlie Kaufman For You, Nathan teaches a hardware store owner how to erase people's memories

Oh no Tom Coughlin is 69 years old, and someone would actually kill him

Or the crippling alcoholism of Joe Namath

Oh wow that makes a ton of sense

Also "Iron Ref" deserves some recognition

What I never understood is why there's a divide among sports in whether home or road team is wearing white, and I always found it kind of odd that baseball and basketball teams wear whites at home

Everything he releases is an absolute gift. Such a pleasure to be following this young man's career

Classic trap game for the Pats. They're going to come in underestimating the Jets, and Ivory will run it down their throats. Hopefully Jets can contain Gronk

I find that my tolerance for uncomfortable humor via awkward social interactions is typically pretty high, but the man zone was too much for me to handle as well. It's tough to confront how ridiculous and frail your own masculinity is through these people

I felt bad for the Rabbi though! He was so psyched up with his idea, and it was brutal to see him backpedal so quickly when met with criticism.

I noticed that the knot he was tying during that scene bore a resemblance to a noose, so I don't think it's going to turn out so great…

Someone has to give Rob Ryan a shot at a HC job eventually right? Fingers crossed it's the 'fins