Buck Mulligan

Coming this fall to NBC - Law & Order: The Sex One

I say it's about time they cast a pregnant for the role

I [Eggplant emoji + kiss face emoji] this!

The Astoria they knew was absolutely saturated. Yes there's still a pretty prominent Greek influence, but at the same there are all these goddamned millennials walking around

I'll never not think of East New York as terrifying. Which is funny, because my parents felt the same way about Park Slope and freaked out when I told them I moved there back in '08. They come to visit me in Astoria (where I'm currently living) and marvel at the lack of Greek people. Weird how I'm kind of turning

I mean, "stay away from East New York at all costs" is a pretty good rule of thumb, I find

Oh when you're in Manhattan, it's great. I'm saying this as someone who commuted from Southern Queens to midtown every day. Not fun.

No one likes taking the A train. I don't believe you

"Sweaty 2 bit criminal" is such a perfect description for that type of role. I think the sweatiest and 2 bit-iest that I've recently seen was James Gandolfini in The Drop

Holy shit, Neon Noah's Dad is not fucking around:

"I'm a crunkcore artist by the name Neon Noah! Music is my career so hit that shit up its all over"

HamJohn BulbousPants

Still, the fact that he's able to muster the minimal amount of energy to clap those plastic clappers is heartening

I'm sure lots of teams would trade their RB/QB situation for Carr and Murray. Going to be fun to watch those two grow into legitimate players together. Amari Cooper is definitely for real as well.

And they both [not so] secretly want to fuck Tom Brady

Oh man that gif is a thing of beauty

What's the over/under on rushing yards from Philly this week?

Is it weird that I kind of like Oakland this year? Their offense seems talented and well put together, but I feel awful having typed those words

Teti, you are a true emoji virtuoso. That Manning GIF is astounding.

And the ability to call people "bub" with a straight face