Buck Mulligan

I gave my two-weeks notice to leave my job on Friday, so my weekend was brimming with bouts of anxiety, dread, and delirious happiness. Also had my best game of golf ever (I've been playing for only 2 years) and I shot a 112 on a moderately difficult course

Clickhole is just about my favorite thing on the entire internet, so I'm keeping an open mind about this

It's really perfectly balanced and feels so natural - it doesn't over-simplify the jumping mechanic at all (though it easily could have).

The thing is that the whole experience is so breezy that if you come across a shitty level, you can skip past it in almost an instant, so these detours in other users' shitty worlds tend to be very brief. The game as a whole is super engaging and fun and hits all the right nostalgia spots without being too grating or

I find that single-block platforms are acceptable considering the skin that your level has… in the New SMB skin it's fine because you have that hover jump-stall mechanic. The original SMB jump/momentum physics are way too tricky for the more perilous jumps

"Billie Jean" and "Hey Ya!" probably at the top of the GOAT list

And it's only a sprain for Cromartie! I swear I was 99% sure he was done with a season, considering it was a non-contact knee injury

I don't know- I think they're goofy and cool. They players/commentators/fans are all aware that they're gross, and I think that makes them fun

He even tweeted a photo post-debate of George in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, standing atop the rubble of the World Trade Center, with the caption "he kept us safe." It's astounding how misguided and absurd that is

You could honestly condense #3&4 into "Flail miserably"

I like it when "secret" areas trigger some of the cute little sound effects. I find that a pretty gratifying reward for solving someone's level design

But, to a teen with a sense of sexual awareness budding at a terrifying rate, this was a very difficult show to 'bate to. I overcame the odds, though.

A trip to Google just informed me that Springsteen wrote Hungry Heart for the goddamn Ramones?!?!?!?!?

The AV Club is currently re-evaluating its relationship with Arran in light of this shocking admission

Had to do some googling to see whether this was funny, and I can confirm that yes it is very funny. well done

♫ You can find me in AV Club, bottle full of bub'.
♫I neither have sex, nor do I make love, so come on give me a hug because I'm so desperately lonely please do not mind the smell

Go Smootchie - it's ya birthday. We gon' sip Baccardi like it's ya birthday

And how can I forget that stunning ending where Yoshi abruptly leaped to his death from atop Peach's castle. So chilling and raw.

Yeah, when the Super Mario 64 documentary went wide release, people really couldn't get over the scene where Mario threw that baby penguin off the side of the stage. It truly was a cold, cold mountain.

Super Mario Land had you rescuing Princess Daisy, so there's that. Plus that game also had those weird Easter Island enemies that bounced around. That was a weird game