Buck Mulligan

It's-a me! Great-a job-a internet!

I look at this picture whenever I'm feeling down. I mean - look at how tiny his feet look. It's magnificent.

It's just that I'm in three other leagues and they're all in Yahoo. I feel like having a lone ESPN team would lead to my neglecting the team, but let me know if you still need a team

They've been throwing him the ball a good amount in pre-season this year, too. He has better hands than I thought. He'll be a steal in PPR

Very cromulent use of the word "bloviating"

Make it Yahoo, and you can count me in

Chris Ivory going to have a career year. Drafted him in all of my fantasy leagues LET'S GOOOOOOOO

Live. Die. Repeat. Repeat.

Black people appropriate culture like this
White people appropriate culture like that

One thing I haven't seen mentioned regarding the voice over is how poor the voice acting is. It reminded me, at times, of a video game protagonist - probably named Cole or something dumb like that - a very two-dimensional performance dripping of forced masculinity. He just tried so hard to sound gravely and serious

I stopped at the 5th as well - that dynamite scene with Pablo was so, so dumb.

Jeff Gerstmann's (surprisingly enthusiastic!) review mentioned that the levels measure success vs failure and a ranked by difficulty by this metric


It really seems like this idea had been gestating since Nintendo's Excite Bike. Remember how the level editor felt in that game? It was like you were accessing something you weren't supposed to… there was no score, and no sort or tutorial - you were just thrown in. I remember just putting tons of jumps in a row and

Say what you will about the youtube animator Egoraptor, but his Mega Man X Sequelitis video does a really great job of tearing down the concept of in-game tutorials

Was he not looking because he had a stripper's butt in his face?

Having the mushroom be so mobile adds to the anxiety of being small Mario. There's real tension in that chase if there are enemies in sight and a mushroom just out of reach. The stationary flower feels like a gift: the designers are saying, "here you go - have fun!" whereas, with the mushroom, they're reminding you

World 1-1 is probably one of the most influential pieces of media of all time. It's a brilliant design, especially when you consider the fact that the rules of the medium had yet to be written. It's elegant, exciting, and intuitive - really remarkable stuff