
She's the Unbreakable Kimmy Hustle.

Yes, that was brilliant. I am ecstatic to finally be able to see the chain of events that lead to Tio's wheelchair.

I wonder how many nursing home TV rooms were scandalized by that stalagmite photo. My theory is that the writers were bitter from having great works of Italian art rejected by the censors, so they slipped through a dirty Italian cave photo.

I can't believe that Trump has not yet likened Marco to the "Mario Brothers" Nintendo character. It seems like it would fit nicely into his routine. In fact, I can't believe nobody has photoshopped Marco's face onto a Donkey Kong screen, with Trump's face photoshopped onto the Gorilla at the top. It would make for an

I am frustrated that Jeopardy! seems to be going out of its way to recruit mediocre female contestants. I had a brief flash of excitement when I saw three women on stage, but the optimism quickly turned to a sick feeling as the episode devolved into comical badness. I rolled my eyes when I saw that the Final Jeopardy

Nobody ever said Janet the slut wasn't likable.

Still a SLUT after all these years.

I was thrown off by the reference to "dieci" as a "perfect number." I never studied Italian, but I know enough Spanish and French and Latin to know that it had to be "ten," which is decidedly not a perfect number. I suppose that they meant it in the Bo Derek sense, but I didn't care for that clue.

In the hours since the end of the program I have not been able to shake the idea of how cool it would be to sing karaoke with Trebek and Johnny Gilbert. I can't quite decide which song we should do. I've narrowed it down to "Rapper's Delight" or "Bohemian Rhapsody." Or maybe "The Time Warp."

This Rachel is proving herself to be the ultimate Jeopardy! idiot savant. Idle/Idyll was completely wasted on the lip balm lover; I don't think she got it even after Trebek's condescending explanation. But in certain categories she bizarrely lights up and goes wild. None of her moronic wagers have hurt her yet. I

Blackadder references get automatic upvotes.

I can't remember the wording of the clue, but the character was decidedly not a lawyer in Legally Blonde, so that would have been a messed-up answer. I didn't see the sequel.

Though he is of German Jewish stock, he is henceforth to be referred to as the "Scottish Newsman."

What are the odds that CNN's Wolf would have gotten "Cry _____ Blitzer" correct? Would he have managed to find a way to pull a reverse-Kareem Abdul Jabaar?

I love the fact that Rachel appeared to be struggling to hold back vomit when she had to answer "Ted Nugent."

I am reminded of debates over "Paul is Dead" and the significance of the gnostic gospels. It is obvious where these guys would fall on either issue.

Spelman is the Schleiermacher wannabe of this conversation, Teti the Dan Brown wannabe.

I have been praying for Trump, in one of his tirades, to liken Rubio to Ricky Ricardo. And then for Rubio to embrace the moniker, followed by the legitimately funny Cruz challenging him as the "real Ricky Ricardo" of the race. It would shake up the GOP beautifully.

The current generation doesn't care about Happy Days or Andy Griffith, much less American Graffiti. Ron Howard is that fictional character from Arrested Development.

DD2 - URBAN LITERATURE -He sought his fortune in U.S. gold prospecting, but made it big as the USA’s highest-paid writer.