
David should have the lock on all things Southern, particularly film and literature. After watching Chris get demolished last week with questions that should have been his bailiwick, it was scary to see David beat to the punch with "fiddle-dee-dee," especially given the subject of his upcoming documentary. I am happy

What a wanker.

It's such a fine line between stupid and clever.

This reminds me of Ed Begley, Jr.'s classic scene in A Mighty Wind, talking with the show's director about how great it would be if they could get the camera to "pull back and see the enormity of the event, the venue. What do you call that thing? A crane? Do we have a crane standing by?"

I still don't get how today's Kaylee is clearly about the same age as the one at the end of Breaking Bad, ostensibly many years later. That mom is up to something.

The speed and nebulousness of the swirl were perfect in the mesothelioma commercial. But wasn't that color Hamlindigo Blue? Is this foreshadowing of future conflict between the law firms?

Jimmy is the best Mr. DeMille I have ever seen. That cutie was most certainly ready for her closeup. I'm glad that Kim was able to recognize it as "professional."

Why you got to go and say fifty eggs for? Why not thirty-five or thirty-nine?

She is just a few starring roles from Angelina Jolie status.

I'm sure that this production will limit Shahi to shooting out the badguys' kneecaps.

2010 Nonfiction Special

His Author page on Amazon paints the picture of a charming eccentric:

Here's hoping he manages to steer clear of Chinese and Iranian territorial waters; wouldn't want him and his chums inadvertently starting any new wars.

As soon as David beat naval officer Chris to the punch early on with "deployment," I suspected that he might be my new Jeopardy hero. When he cleaned up after Chris' shockingly weird demotion of Captain Horatio Hornblower to "midshipman," I knew it could be beautiful. After David was first to identify the "cat o' nine

No, I don't think we disagree at all. I am not looking to demonize Disney. But when I suggested that Disney was unlikely to bring sexual diversity to a major franchise, the masses rose up singing their praises en masse. This pretty much guarantees that Disney will never make such a move. There would be risk, but no

No, this is absurd. I am absolutely amazed that this bizarre nonsense is carrying the day in this silly thread. Ford and Sears and every other corporation were more than happy to pound the pavement in black neighborhoods throughout the years of Jim Crow and Redlining. The multinationals were more than happy to sell to

Just watch it. It may not be your cup of tea, but it is undoubtedly worth your time to check out for yourself. The first episode is a fair representation of the tone and quality of the series. If you hate it, stop there. If you like it, you will appreciate the whole series, which really is consistently excellent. Not

I completely agree that the situation called for exactly that performance. Were the daughter 100% sympathetic, Sylvia would have come off as a complete monster. The overwroughtedness was, ironically, necessary for balance. Five minutes of it would have been unbearable, but Louis got the timing right.

I don't know what awards Alda's performance might qualify for, but he deserves more recognition than he is likely to get. He has created the new archetype of the "mean and bitter yet sympathetic old man."

I know that I risk missing the point through overanalysis, but I really struggle getting past the fact that there is no shortage of financial options beyond "tear it down" vs. "status quo." Horace could easily get a mortgage and buy out his sister. But then he is fully on the hook with a money-losing business. But