
A five minute romantic dinner scene with a kiss goodnight would be impressive enough.

No slam on Disney, but catering to a lucrative demographic is very different from opening their bazillion dollar franchise to diversity. There haven't been any lesbian Disney Princesses. For Disney, these are bottom-line business decisions, and the choice of the "right thing" may not yet be obvious.

If Disney signs off on this…wow. But it sounds too vague to take seriously at this point.

It just don't fit, I must acquit.

No, he would have opposed it on the presumption that any corporate entity claiming the intellectual property deserved the full force of the state behind it. I am hoping that in the absence of the Ogre, Chief Justice Roberts' inner nerd might be persuaded to give it a hearing.

Why couldn't they have cast an African American in this role? Sure, Betty has to be blond, but where is it written that Veronica has to be white?

Dude, at least Bernie Socialists have an ethos.

The Supreme Court is currently composed of five Catholic nerds and three Jewish nerds, none of whom appear likely to shy away from the fun of disentangling the messiness of the Trekiverse. The only stick in the mud justice died a couple weeks ago. By the time this reaches the Supreme Court, another appointee is likely

I have been meaning for years to watch those Star Wars movies, but I am surrounded by an unjust society of babies that has smugly spoiled it for me. I already know that Han Solo (whoever the hell that is) shot first, and that a guy named Luke has a father with a really creepy name ("Darth Vader," I think). I don't

Those Hollywood bigwigs will make Raimi use Bruce as a Japanese-Turkish princess (hopefully with a chainsaw hand).

A reasonable fear, but Fuller's success with NBC on Hannibal gives me some confidence that he negogiated a good deal for himself, and has the balls to hold his ground.

Bryan Fuller is in tune with the real Sha Ka Ree. Our savior! He loves both Angela Bassett and Nicholas Meyer, and my only fear is that my faith may be irrationally exuberant.

Wow, clever. I understand that the percentage of the population that has, or ever will, read the books is very, very small, which is true for any written work. So why does a person in ignorance feel compelled to have any opinion whatsoever, much less feel a need to share it? Were it honest curiosity, there is no

The mockery is justifiably hilarious, but the guy has truly accomplished something amazing with these books and has not compromised in the spotlight of riches, which is very notable. I hope he lives long enough to take another decade to finish the series, and then bask in glory when HBO "reboots" in 2026 with a

He was a great gun loving militia dude on Frasier.

How would it have played out if AV Club had rolled out a new comments section that day?

As always, "it's complicated."

Christie is a very smart man that knows how to read the winds and smell a loser, and decided that wisdom lies in being the first to welcome the new insect overlord.

A pissing match may not be the primary the Republican establishment wanted, but it is the primary they need. Rubio will now be toast against the Donald, and it will be fun to watch how Kasich handles it through April as the last "man" standing.

Yes, any idiot-free, competitive episode is a pleasure.