
Alex came out with "The Führer, the better" before the commercial break. Have a feeling Alex had been waiting 30 years to use that one.

I really liked Jill coming out of yesterday's game, and thought she had won my heart when she jumped straight into "Drinking Songs" to start the game. But she came up completely empty when the category was run. Then she made a stupidly weak DD wager, which she then got wrong. Her shine had really diminished even

Not great, Bob.

Were he still with us, sticks and stones would break his bones, but words would make him go in a corner and cry by himself for hours.

Does anyone doubt that this is a mistake?

I have it on good authority that certain audiences would find it more satisfying to see him sit on a pie and cry.

That Asia question was a great DD. It would be super-easy in 15 seconds, but super-difficult to get instantly. I had Afghanistan quickly but was a couple seconds short with Azerbaijan.

I learned it at age five in the early Seventies, watching reruns of Lost in Space.

I liked him and the game was his, but Ben really deserved the loss for missing a softball like "hydroponics." It has been too long since we've seen an "intense" female contestant. I will be rooting for Jill to take five.

I am white too, but have always taught my children the same lesson as the grandma regarding interaction with the police. You only need seven words: Yes Sir, No Sir, Thank You Sir. Also, fear them but don't ever show fear, and keep your distance at all cost.

When you tell your children about Lorena Bobbitt and Jeffrey Dahmer, it really helps to balance it out with some Peobo Bryson.

I would love to see them attempt a time travel subplot in which we see her character as an extremely old lady. Rather than extensive makeup, they could try to bring in Steven Tyler.

I have already fallen in and out of love with Ethan Hawke too many times over 30 years. Though my interest is piqued by the prospect of Julianne Moore as a melancholy Dane.

Are you joking, or is "taut James Michener novel" really not oxymoronic?

…and Rooney Mara as his native housemaid.

Next you'll be telling us that young women can support Sanders over Clinton for reasons that go beyond meeting cute guys. Some people just don't get girls. Today, don't we just watch All About Eve for Marilyn Monroe?

Homosexuality? What is this silly @KateH going on about? She couldn't be talking about Rock Hudson, one of the manliest men of his time. Gosh, he played a Christian pastor!

Rock Hudson played a "closeted" character that was a pastor in Middle America! How had I never heard of this? Now at the top of my list.

Alas, I expected far too much of my audience.

You kids gotta get out more.