
#7 is an asshole.

I was touched that Trebek acknowledged that he's "gotta get out more," and that the dart-playing guy on his crew had one of the lamest possible variations on the "keep calm" theme.

That was the absolute best Final Jeopardy question in a very long time. It was not obscure or inherently difficult (who doesn't know George III or King Lear?) but required the contestant to put together multiple facts. I was able to immediately identify George III as the deceased monarch, so then went about

Isn't doubt central to the tension of The X-Files?

He needs Trump on board to pull off "mandatory."

That segment is the perfect example of the value of this show (and John Oliver's). The Daily Show at its best occasionally scratched the surface of this sort of thing, but no longer even tries to go beyond quick hits. This was actually devastatingly dead-on, important, and presented thoughtfully and humorously.

I find it impossible not to root for the confused enthusiasm of "what the hell" contestants like Maria.

Don't you hold your breath when you're upside down?

The Ferguson category gave us a turd by leaving out the clue "The dark practice of law enforcement in Ferguson, Missouri, really mattered in bringing this national movement to life." The clue would have been purely factual and non-political, but it is sadly hard to say how it would affect Aleve sales. References to

C'mon, guys, the Rebecca Bois thing is obvious. "Bois" is French for Wood. Rebecca Wood (former wife of Ray Sharkey) was in Blake Edwards' Switch with Kevin Kilner. Kilner was in Auto Focus with McKean (and Ed Begley, Jr.)! Just a small degree of separation. Duh.

That's as many as four tens. And that's terrible.

I miss his disbelieving "are you really gonna mess up this good thing" face.

"What is the point, Jimmy?" Our hero has just been through too much to believe in anybody else's "point."

I am actually eagerly anticipating an operatic reunion of McKean and Begley on the subject of "Slippin' Jimmy."

Artists are volatile creatures. The muse speaks through the humble vessel. But c'mon, it's not illegal. Squat Cobbler. Boston Cream Splat. Dutch Apple Ass. It must be a language thing, different in the west. Like pop vs. soda vs. coke. But at least old Dan commited with real tears.

Keepin' it real. Second best lawyer is still really good. Too bad the new car's cupholder was metric. The second best lawyer didn't quite fit in.

I can't believe nobody in last week's AV Club comments came up with that perfect description of PLAYUH's Hummer. "It looks like a school bus for six year old pimps."

Poor Mr. Wormhold just doesn't get how Mike can be so slow. "I'm not here as a 'criminal.' I'm here as a 'crime victim.'" Why was this so hard for Mike to understand? No need for a Squat Cobbler.

A winner for the edgy Xarelto crowd.

When Activision got into the game with 2600-compatibles, they made some classics. Great stuff, for 1983. My first great tech debate with Dad was persuading him that the games would work on our Sears-branded 2600 clone, and we did not have to buy our games at Sears. 15 years later, he was shocked that his AOL email