
I remember it being my first time wishing my stupid parents had just given me the money rather than buying me what they "thought" I would like. And then my parents resenting my lack of gratitude. It may be an imagined memory, but I think my parents actually forced (or guilted) me into playing that damn ET game.

I have fond childhood memories of my Zorlon Cannon, evading Quotile's swirl, and the "mean streak."

Now I too can make the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs.

Nothing ever happened on Seinfeld, so the removal of verbs would be unnoticeable.

Shtick? Haven't you seen the touchy-feely, dramatic Gervais? He is a thespian, after all. Of course, it would be awful, but less so than Cameraon Diaz doing Shirley MacLaine.

Hopefully, this will be the first of many Redford reprises of classic Mickey Rooney roles. I can't wait for his Chinaman impression in the new Breakfast at Tiffany's.

It has nothing to do with DC or any other geography. Sorghum is the envy of all corns.

We don't have to feed the Talking Troll.

I really appreciate that both "pop" and "sorghum" are new words for Darryl. Michonne and Rick as an old married couple is even better. But please, let's not call it "Richonne."

Jude Law pulling his best Fred MacMurry impersonation beside Cameron Diaz doing Shirley MacLaine. I had the same scary thought. They would need to lasso the likes of Ricky Gervais as Jack Lemmon.

I liked that Mitch broke out with the proper Latinate form Tommaso d'Aquino, but how on earth did all three manage to miss out on $2000 for Spinoza? Is there any other 17th Jew that could have possibly been a Jeopardy answer? Or any other Jewish philosopher before the 20th Century?

If they wanted to ask about the Knights Who Say Ni, why on earth did they settle for "shrubbery?" Could they not fashion a question that would have required Trebek to pronounce "Ekke Ekke Ekke Ekke Ptang Zoo Boing!" Or perhaps even a question that would require the contestant to distinguish an African from a European

Once again, the failure to spend even a little time in Vegas has ruined a contestant's hopes, in this case Mitch's inability to identify the "one-armed bandit." At least all of them managed to remember Sammy Davis, Jr.

Maaaannnny…..Motaaaaaaaa. Or was it Kareem Abdul Jabaaaaaaaaaar?

I made the mistake of putting the book off for many years, after seeing the movie as a high schooler. Big mistake. The highpoint of the movie was seeing Sean Connery ironically bemoan to a teenaged Christian Slater that the novice had greater experience with the ladies. The book is a classic, along with Foucault's

Are you suggesting that being known as the "b**ch that ruined the Beatles" is less harsh than being burnt at the stake?

The consequences for the 17th century women of Salem were a bit worse.

It was really a great question and required you to actually know both of the movies pretty well. I instantly said "Brando" before quickly remembering the "living" requirement. Then scrolled through DeNiro, Pacino, and even James Caan for compare/contrast with Apocalypse Now. Then by the 10 second mark, landed on

You must be my age; I know the feeling. The thirty seconds for Final are usually enough for me, but in the heat of game play I have that feeling constantly.

Tim's story was refreshingly just off, not unbelievably bizarre, but not quite human. It was reminiscent of stories of beachcombers finding personal items washing to shore, and finding the original owners. But this dude and his dad found the dogtags while kicking around dirt in the middle of the desert? And he's a