
I appreciate that she was the one that got to finish off the horrid, horrid Ron. I wish she had been a few seconds quicker, but I think I may grow to honestly like an Eye-Patched Carl.

Disciplined, experienced Mike calls Slippin' Jimmy, now AKA "Mr. Cumston." That, and the belated death of the would-be Queen Jessie and her horrid progeny, were the highlights of this happy hour.

From here on out, the broken King Rick is "the Man with the Ax." Which means that Korl is now to be known as Jack, so that we can call them "One eyed Jack and the Man with the Ax." Thank god the would-be Queen and her brats are dead. Let the games begin!

Hmm, this actually seems valid and I am ashamed that it never even occurred to me. The question asked about "Senate service, which lasted from 1973 to January 2009." It did not ask about "term as a Senator." There is clear evidence that Biden's Senate service did not end in January 2009. I like this argument a lot. So

You can dress attractive 20 year olds in just about anything and the attractiveness will inevitably shine through. I am constitutionally predisposed to hate dress codes, but this one on the part of Jeopardy is brilliant. It frames the tournament while individualizing the students and neutralizing the threat of a

"I have not yet begun to fight." Sarah battled to the end, and it was disappointing to watch her choke and flail. A quote she first heard at age 10 just wouldn't come to the surface. I empathize with her, and pity her, knowing that she has probably peaked. The challenge now is to learn more each year than she forgets.

These kids' lack of sports knowledge was well established before Friday, but "incomplete pass" was a triple stumper? They have never even payed attention to a single Superbowl? I think of myself as being as far from a sports fan as you could get (for a middle aged American male), but I now feel like John Madden, Phil

I was really cheering on both of the girls, and had no affection at all for Sam. But in the end, I suppose the D.C. area boy really earned it. I suspect that the U.S. Senate category in the final was playing to his strength. He could very well be in the Senate in another decade or two; I finally realized that his

Huh? I remember "The Chain" last season, and some great Yaz and Adam and the Ants. I suppose they won't be bringing us any 1983-era Michael Jackson or U2, but that doesn't mean they have no budget (and is probably for the best). And they qualify for the Fleetwood Mac bulk discount.

This needs to be the next go-to song for the producers of The Americans when they need a cynically upbeat montage tune.

Snowden made for a great final. Perhaps on the easy side, but not entirely obvious. My mind went through a small list of posible political figures before landing on Snowden after 10-15 seconds. Very pleased that the kids got it with no problem. The Snowden subject would have made for a great debate question for

I hear that there is a special place in hell for young women that don't recognize Tatiana Maslany.

Internet commentary would get really boring if we all had adequate senses of humor.

Don't know or care about the dude's (or anyone else's) "perversions," so long as I can continue celebrating, denigrating, theorizing, mocking, and praising shit related (directly or tangentially) to Jeopardy, without any hint of bullying or harassment.

This is why AV Club is my one and only online home for Jeopardy kvetching. As infantile, sexist, and borderline creepy as parts of AV Club may sometimes get, Jay S' Jeopardy corner would never tolerate this sort of thing.

Incredible. He is having an incredible year.

For me, it was Ludlum. I read his full bibliography as a kid, and was already a fanboy when the first Bourne book came out. By the time The Bourne Ultimatum came along, I was a college grad standing in line at Borders on release day, waiting for my guilty pleasure.

I am sorry that the sex at A&M was so unexceptional. That story is really sad. Another incentive to add to my long list of reasons for my kids to never entertain job offers in Texas.

Well, Bloom was "editor" of a book ostensibly for children, but done is such a way as to make some of the great stories of civilization feel like a burden to read.

Attending a Big Ten school during a Rose Bowl victory year, living with the athletes and participating in the "revelry," completely disenchanted college football for me, and I have made a point of avoiding the corrupt spectacle for the 25 years since.