
I was pretty high on Niki, but would now be happy with either of the young ladies pulling out the victory. Sam just reminds me too much of the guys I spent years training my daughters to avoid. He's a bright enough fellow, and my dislike is completely unfair, but so be it.

I would love to see the debate organizers adopt a Greek drama format, with a chorus of old men, a chorus of young women, furies, etc.

Yeterday's contestants didn't know the common name of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints. Today's bunch couldn't identify the school in Provo that is prominent enough to be a Jeopardy clue. It will be fun to see if ignorance of Moroni, Donny & Marie, or the Romneys makes the difference in the

I don't remember why I was unimpressed with Sarah last week, but I was really rooting for her at the end today. Her Neil deGrasse Tyson love was incredibly endearing; as much so as Tyson's famous story of his early encouragement by Carl Sagan. I hope he makes an effort to send her an autographed book after the

Wil Wheaton would be easy to land for the occasional Traveler-like visit. A reunion with Ashley Judd would really warm my Gen X heart.

Likewise, I would love to see the return of much of the Hannibal cast. I don't love Caroline Dhavernas as much as the room (see below), but that cast was deep. Whatever happened to that wonderful Hettienne Park, who played Beverly Katz?

Was Wonderfalls really popular with the Modern Language Association?

Just please, please refrain from making Caroline Dhavernas a regular. She is fine in moderation, but has no place in my perfect Trek universe.

The fact that this is where Fuller's mind goes really, really excites and pleases me. Lucy Liu, if she weren't already engaged with Elementary, is the only actor I can think of that would be even more perfect. If they could make her a recurring guest Romulan, I would be ecstatic.

Coke? Cultish hippies? Any idea whether Don Draper was involved?

Who has the cooler prosthetics, father or son?

Within 2-3 years, Peyton Manning's asking price will have fallen to the point that the repair shop will be able to afford them both.

Where is my blue meanie emoji set?

My son (very briefly) considered pursuing the military. Thankfully he came to his senses and is now amazed that his 17-year-old self ever humored the possibility of condemning himself to such a fate (though I am still, three years later, still getting between 3-6 pieces of junk mail per week from the sleazebag

I truly have no idea what "she'll be there for them" could possibly mean. I'll take her for her word too; she certainly means them no ill will. But neither do Trump, Cruz, or even Rubio. That drivel is meaningless; she is not supported because there is another candidate that much better reflects their concerns and

Hmm, never mentioned Bernie, made reference to a comment that was delivered in support of Hillary, and seems to fairly characterize Hillary's attitudes. Yes, it may seem "minor," I am just noting that Steinem's comment was heard as cutting to the young people Hillary needs to be reaching, not knocking. I don't hear

No major nerve struck; I thought that you would appreciate the "almighty spaceman" thing; no snark (just minor irritation at mocking my little precious).

You bring up issues that would require a dozen or more posts to begin addressing adequately, and this is surely not the time or place. In short: you are partly

Touche! I never thought the Daily Mail had much in the way of insight, but this is dead on. Explains much of the new generation's discomfort with the label "feminism." In the context of current politics, it is disappointing to watch the "heroes" of the past wind down so sadly.

I'm an old man with no clue what the game is, but I am well read in classic science fiction, and more recently did watch Battlestar Gallactica.

Lighten up, almighty spaceman. My daughter is far more familiar with Steinem's achievements than either you or me. Doesn't undermine the sting and obnoxiousness of Steinem's condescension. The Hillary connection ties back to the candidate's obnoxious and mixed history on the feminist issues of today, and Steinem's