
On the triple stumper front, ignorance of "FTL" provides further evidence that these kids lack the bare essentials of nerdom.

There was a bit of disappointment last week when none of the kids could identify Gloria Steinem. Funny that Steinem this week has made herself well known to a whole new generation of young women, and has possibly redefined her legacy with a single moronic off-hand comment. My daughter reports that her feminist

As a 47 year old parent, this scares and confuses me. How could I ever understand? What is this new and strange thing, "being there in the moment?"

You are a bear, so I will agree with anything you say.

Just the same, today is not the day for Bee mockery. Her premiere was brilliant and suggests a masterwork in the making, for which I rejoice. 'Nuff said (for now). She will surely give us reason to mock her eventually, but I will wait for that day that she

Even if I saw any possible way to snark effectively here, I can't imagine wanting to, even if the prospect wasn't downright scary. I gladly welcome our new bee overlord.

A hockey-loving dude should always go with the Guy Lafleur pronunciation over Guy Fawkes.

Agreed. I can't fathom any circumstances under which I would even consider watching The Curse of Oak Island, but the same is true for at least 70% of the crap that is plugged in the What's On Tonight feature. The spectacle of the dude that spent several inches going on about NCIS condescending to a pseudo-history buff

So long as you don't know the complete titles and sequence of the Left Behind series, we will cut you slack.

Did any of the "mama" questions require any reference to the mother to get the answer? Could they have just as easily made the category "Flatulence?" With questions like "This Windy City gasbag's first name is Rahm," or "This famous farter is also known for writing the Principia?"

Had any of the kids known that The Lost Symbol was the Davinci Code sequel, I would have had to root against them.

The Jewish kid had a small advantage in game play (he picked out Rahm and knew what a dreidel is) but was foiled by that anti-semitic Final Jeopardy question.

Weekly, which is probably for the best if they can maintain the quality.

If Trebek's Gus/Guy thing was a legit mixup, I am befuddled that it didn't come out of his Canadian mouth as "Ghee."

This weekend, I called this game correctly for Niki, who I also picked to be the Tournament Champion. For tommorow, I called Sam, who I foresee edging out Emily #2. I feel bad for hoping that they both mop the floor with Hannah. I suppose that it makes me a horrible person, but I wouldn't mind seeing Hannah fail to

At about 1/4 of the way through Double Jeopardy, it still felt like this might be a distatrous disappointment of a game. But those kids really came through at the end.

Did anyone else absolutely love Samantha Bee's brilliant Full Frontal? Not sure if this is the place to bring it up, but I see no evidence that AV Club will be covering it anywhere else.

I had thought that the bulk of The Daily Show staff remained with Trevor Noah, but the body of Bee's "news coverage" felt far closer

Human Rights Campaign. Basically, a group of self-appointed K Street hacks that successfully uses Jesse Jackson techniques to suck major contributions from major corporations, ostensibly for the benefit of LGBT rights, but more typically for the enrichment and self-perpetuation of the organization itself. The very

I eagerly await future episodes in which we see Scott inadvertently connect with Josh, eventually realize that he is Josh, and develop a male relationship amidst the secrets and lies.

Name the black actor:
—Sydney Poitier
—Morgan Friedman
—Leon Askin
—Laurence Fishburne

The time to make a stand would have been for the snub of Carl Weathers for his virtuoso performance in Rocky III.