
Modern Family accomplished more social good by reducing gay love to hokey TV convention than the HRC "professional gay" establishment hacks could have accomplished in decades.

Why is a Kundunese life worth less to me than an American life?

Uh, careful there. Probably better off asking to borrow a neighbor kid.

Martin Sheen hunting down King Louie's lair actually would be wonderful. And Walken doing Brando…wow.

Walken as King Louie is wonderful, but it depresses me that we can't get a scene with him vs. Dennis Hopper in the jungle, debating the limits and consequences of Simian/Sicililian genetic history. "I wanna be a man, Man Cub…I'm tired of monkeyin' around." Eggplant, or cantaloupe?

The clown writing this silly "article" did manage to work in the crazy-ass, ridiculously arcane word "arcane" three times, so I don't suspect he was going for "insightful, " "interesting," or even "funny." Probably just going for "SEO optimized" for searches on "arcane Jeopardy rules."

I startled the Superbowl party when I shouted "Hey! Is that a new Bourne movie?" when I heard Moby's BWEEEE from the other room as this trailer played. Really, the only especially cool thing in the trailer.

Sadly, the TV edits tend to give us the first 15 seconds, then split the screen and cut the audio to the opening of the next program. ♫ Oh baby, oh baby, then it fell apart, fell apart.

Did you catch his scenes with Patrick Stewart on Blunt Talk? I have loved Moby's recordings for over 20 years, but had never heard him speak. Pairing him with one of my absolute favorite actors was earth-shatteringly great.

Gotta have Julia Stiles, and gotta have those smooth stylings from Moby. All of my senses tell me that this will suck, but just those few notes from "Extreme Ways" leave me inexplicably cautiously optimistic. ♫ I would stand in line for this. There's always room in life for this.

Just get his gorgeous French girlfriend's car out of the bad neighborhood.

IIRC, Niki appeared to have no idea who "Jean Grey" might have been, but brilliantly answered "Phoenix" based on the overly-obvious context of the question.

Until I really began engaging with classic films during college, my main knowledge of Bogart was from the Peter Brady imitation. "Pork chaapsh, 'n appleshaushe. Shwell."

They really saved the best for last in the first week of this tournament; these three might have been the best three of the entire field. It was sad to see the boy from Brown choke at the end. But then, what the hell was he thinking? Coolidge? How did he come up with that?

Looking at the seeding for next week, I

In my love/hate relationship with Trebek, that animated explanation of the tiebreaker ranks near the top of the "love" column. Wow, that three-way tie must have been the highlight of his year.

I will pick this up and watch it tonight between the Republican idiot parade and SNL. I just skimmed the review to ensure that it wasn't a pan, so I am still excited to watch. Jessica Lange is a major draw for me. She was my first major "older woman" crush when I fell in love as a middle-schooler watching King Kong on

Okay, it appears that I have done the same thing to you that you did to me in lumping me in as a "Bernie-bro." I did not mean to mischaracterize your points, but rather was responding to a "Hillary consensus" that you personally are not even defending (the whole "establishment" thing). Sorry.

I can't fathom for one minute that Bernie Sanders would disagree with one word of this, and would passionately fight in defense of any Republican attacks against Planned Parenthood. Likewise with regard to gay rights. Yet the moment they were able to take an off-hand Bernie comment and twist it into a "dis," both

No, of course not, it just means that she is rooted in an establishment that exists to perpetuate itself. Those battles are essentially won, and the "special interests" exist solely to counter backsliding. They serve a great purpose, but have nothing whatsoever to do with the challenges Sanders is posing to Wall

Okay, I waded into way more than I intended here. I don't think I have any real disagreement with you, Scrawler, at all. By "hit" I meant to straightforwardly dispute those areas of fundamental disagreement in which the Hillary apologists disingenuously claim "there is no difference." I too will surely vote for her