
I agree 100% that Clinton is 100x better than any Republican. And I will grant that Hillary's rhetoric on gun control and racial equality is marginally stronger, even though the next President is unlikely to wield much influence in either area. But on Wall Street and the Military Industrial Complex (i.e. the

Yeah, "foreign policy" (cowtow to the Military Industrial Complex) and "domestic policy" (cowtow to Wall Street). She'll wow'em all!

Others here are trying to sell her as "progressive," and her support for "women" (i.e. the special interest Planned Parenthood) and "LGBT" (i.e. the special interest Human Rights Campaign) are held out as evidence. I am saying that this is nonsense.

Was I a "dick" or "rude" to her supporters? No, I am saying that Clinton is as much, or more, a part of the "establishment" as any of the Republicans, and in that sense she is a "hack," someone doing their bidding because it benefits her politically and financially. She is not "progressive" in any sense of the word.

OK, so the soulless hack has a better chance of winning, so we need to vote for the soulless hack. Nobody is contesting that she will always be 100% behind the "progressive" establishment (HRC, Planned Parenthood) that poses no threat to Wall Street or current power structures. Will she put Elizabeth Warren (or Zephyr

Yes, this is the rare chance to say NO to the system that drives us consistently into the ground. The only argument in favor of Clinton over Sanders is that she is "electable," which by definition is evidence that she is exactly the "establishment" that Sanders is challenging! Why not shine the light on it and cheer

Hey, gotta poke where it hurts.

There is little daylight re: formal policy positions, and an abysmal gulf re: values and character. I'm not sure whether I prefer to have the brave and decent warrior or the soulless hack on my side, but suggesting that they are basically "the same" is absurd.

Palestinian chicken can be perfectly kosher if you add enough crispiness and some parmesan cheese. 《Chicken parm you taste so good.》

Hey, the guy'll jazz it up a bit and the kids'll love it. What's nodda love.

He died drinking Pepsi at a sock hop.

She'll always have a place in my heart as Stacy from Fast Times at Ridgemont High. As a high school freshman, she was the first highly sexual character I had seen that was close enough to my own age to make for a realistic-seeming fantasy. Pretty but not gorgeous, she seemed completely in my league. When my mind began

Darwin was aware enough of the distress he was causing certain Biblical literalists that he wisely forewent acknowledging that additional logical possibility.

No, never was. The point is that it explains the origin of all species, not a particular one.

Mistaking Naboo for Tatooine was rather unforgivable. And how can one hear reference to a 10-limbed sea creature and not think "giant squid."

I was thrown by that as well. Turns out that they dropped the "On" with the sixth edition in 1872.

I don't get the impression that Uncle Pete is capable of understanding the concept of innocence. Your logic for scotch over ice is impeccable, but I would be afraid to try to make the case. "We didn't have ice back in 'Nam, why should these punk hipsters get any."

No real disagreement about working different angles, and I bear no ill will toward rank and file SJWs. It is just maddening to watch them work themselves up over a minor issue like year-end awards, rather than the overwhelming issue of systemic racial obstacles throughout the many areas of film making and the

I paid it out of deep respect for the artist, and was not disappointed. It would be a very steep price to pay continually, but I believe that he realizes this and will moderate over time. He was smart to take advantage of us loyal fools who would pay five bucks for the first look at absolutely anything he were to turn

Watch it.