
Yes, it was amazingly well done, brilliant actors, tight direction. It felt like something out of the 1940s, yet managed to work in the news of the week. I hope they clear up my confusion as to whether I could get a Scotch/Rocks at Horace and Pete's; it is unclear whether the Bar Nazi Alan Alda would consider it a

As a guy who pays for very little for entertainment beyond my Internet bill, I will gladly pay Louis whatever he asks to keep this up. Hopefully it develops into a platform that grows. Nothing to the studios, nothing to Netflix, no ads.

I can't find any words of sarcasm or mockery to offer; this undertaking is an absolutely amazing and good thing in so, so many ways. Good on you, Louis. The man is paving the way to the future by reviving the best of 80-year old style and production values. And doing it professionally and effectively and brilliantly.

Interesting that even the "progressive" racial beancounters won't touch this subject. I am committed in principal to the values of the "SJWs" that are often derided here, but their antics are meaningless when the subject of our economic foundations are verboten. It is fascinating to see these committed "progressives"

Just caught this Atlantic note about how even Guthrie, on this very subject, was censored by the "Grammy Hall of Fame."


I can't fathom what horrors await Bernie Sanders, should he win a state beyond New Hampshire.

I am disturbingly curious to know what "the marshmallows have returned to their initial state" might really mean, especially in the context of inner grudges coming out like batter. We need more of this sort of sublime, poetic madness in the U.S.

I haven't quite come up with anything authentic for Kamchatka or Irkutsk.

Pathetically nerdy in its boring symmetry. Nowhere near as cool as the Risk-themed tapas spread I am planning.

As soon as he donned the tricorn hat, Brad Majors ceased to be an asshole. But David Morse's Washington could have kicked the living shit out of Bostwick's Washington with complete calm and dignity, and remained magnanimous in victory.

Yeah, Trumbo and his ilk were asking for it. Nobody today has a problem with intense sexual violence, exploitation, and the glorification of just about any vile thing. But at least we are not exposed to questions about the right and just means of production! The system is safe; we don't need an "Un-American Activities

The George Washington role was the pinnacle of his career. For the remainder of his life, he should be George Washington in everyone single Revolutionary War period film or television production.

Yeah, but in how long?

Why you got to go and say fifty eggs for? Why not thirty-five or thirty-nine?

In the tradition of our Founders, what we really need are some thoughtful Cabinet (and Congressional) Rap Battles. Twitter don't cut it like some passionate rhymes.

I was amazed by Trebek's patience. He seemed to let her go on for quite a long time, thinking that there would be a point, rather than putting her out of her misery. He even commiserated, as if the lakes in Canada don't get as cold as Lake Michigan in the fall.

When it becomes an Art History or Literary Allusions thing (as opposed to a Bible Quiz thing) it is a great category that really demonstrates breadth of knowledge.

I am not sure what to make of Amanda. She just struck me as a mediocrity, until the Roosevelt thing seemed to push her into idiot territory. But then she went on to consistently perform, at least until she placed the Ural mountains in Italy late in the game. She managed not to flub the easy FJ, and wagered well. Was

Living in Colorado, I did not realize until quite recently that Peyton Manning's TV commercials had a national following. I somehow thought that "Chicken parm you taste so good" was a local phenomenon. I never imagined that it would be an easy Jeopardy question.

Neither of the Roosevelts could tweet their way out of a cardboard box, and the nation survived.

That's some bad hat, Captain Nemo.