
Continuum without the time travel? Or Terminator without the time travel? Original! Just don't let Julia Ormond use her French accent.

The formula was perfected over 30 years ago with Dirty Dancing. Cast the gorgeous, talented guy with the plain (not hideous, just slightly homely) girl. The "vice versa" doesn't work, as it is chicks that are driving this market. Why is it that Hollywood never adopted this as the formula to riches? Only the Hallmark

KITT's technology was so advanced that it included the first world's first synthetic santorum.

I remember a time that both Enya and Kenny G were held in similar maudlin disregard. Since then, Enya seems to have fallen into the pit of embarrassing memories, while Kenny G has been justifiably rehabilitated. This, and the young love of Bernie Sanders, are among the rare things that give me hope for the future.

You lived with a dolphin? How cool!

Why on earth would KITT's presence at a sex show be puzzling? Where were you in the 80s?

He was the old guy with a bit part in Cabin Boy. And he did some other stuff a long time ago.

Yes, today's spoilernerd brats could learn something from their great grandparents.

Chris Elliot would get a mention, but Bob? Hopefully one of these AV kids is digging into Wikipedia to throw something together.

I could appeciate 96, but 92 seems like it would be rather challenging at that age.

I also imagine Bee will be less wed to formal decorum and propriety than Oliver.

They taste just like Chicken of the Sea.

How on earth does Enya get mentioned in the same breath with Radiohead? St. Vincent, sure, but Enya? This is just wrong.

The opportunity to slice open large animals to crawl in for warmth sounds like great fun.

Hey, with Sammy Davis Jr. and Obi-Wan Kenobe telling the story, it's gotta be smooth.

Via Shakespeare, Milton, Bronte, Dickens, Twain, Wodehouse, and any story that makes reference to prep school education. Or through study of Spanish or French.

Even for those of us who have never formally studied Latin, "amo, amas, amat" is pretty well ingrained.

Sorry, Disqus was not interested in cooperating as I tried to post. I think I finally successfully deleted the redundancies.

I have been watching Jeopardy rather faithfully the past few months, but missed it tonight. I don't have any fancy technology like "DVR;" I rely on other Internet users with "DVR" to use a simpler technology known as "bittorrent." But as it turns out, bittorrent users appear not to be Jeopardy lovers, so my hopes of