
I can handle a blond Mary Magdalene, but a Jew playing Jesus? Seriously?

Actually, Reese from Person of Interest was able to handle it well. Come to think of it, the ethnically-Persian Shaw from Person of Interest would make a sweet Mary Magdalene.

There is a joke here about putting Christ in Christmas, but I can't quite bring myself to do it.

It just doesn't seem right to cast a Native American in a role that should go to a Palestinian.

I know and love Imogene Coca, so I'm sure that I will be cookoo for Coca Poots.

Do Imogen Poots' clothes fall off when Stewart glances longingly in her direction?

I am thinking this extravaganza may benefit from the appearance of some of those Dalek-created human-pig hybrids, or even a full-blown ManBearPig.

Only George Miller has the power and vision to bring all of this up a notch. I foresee a post-apocalyptic Babe sequel that brings James Cromwell back with his Star Trek: First Contact co-star Patrick Stewart, fulfilling Stewart's visions expressed in Extras: "I'm walking along, and I see this beautiful girl, and I

Seriously? People on the cusp of the Jeopardy set were watching Shaun of the Dead? The mind boggles. Why on earth were they not cramming on African capitals, Emmy nominees, and the noble gases?

I think Alien Jesus needs a chorus of old men to commiserate tonight.

Lighten up, the poor kid just had frogs in his throat, or his head in the clouds.

Ah, I was foiled by multi-tasking. So the category was not "Potpourri?"

When did the kids start pronouncing the "t" in "potpourri?" Is this a drug thing? Must we now start pronouncing the "Home Depot" the new way?

Spike Lee tweeted the addresses of the three privileged young punks that are not only oblivious to Greek comedy, but even slept through his Chi-Raq thang!

Worst Trebek Advice Ever: "So, you haven't spent much time in Vegas. Good for you! " Has he been paying attention to the wagering on his own show lately? Fred would be the reigning champion today if he had done a Vegas road trip or two during college.

How is it that only one of the three kids actually named a natural wonder? At least the boy from Virginia had a 50/50 shot. It kinda hadda be either Old Faithful or the Grand Canyon, no? It was rather rude of Trebek to condescendingly give it away before anyone's answer was even revealed. It looked like he would tear

Isn't Sansa more the CGI Desi Arnaz Jr. type?

As other artists threaten Donald Trump to drop their tunes from his idiot show, Dee Snider lobbies him to keep "We're Not Gonna Take It" in the mix. Dee is bizarre, but he has been married to the same lady for 35 years. Quite the dragon lady she must be.

The actress thinks that "the show’s fans will finally get 'that storyline' that they’ve 'been craving for the past five seasons.'" Does this young lady really believe that she has a sound understanding of what the fans crave? How precious. Will Twisted Sister be making an appearance?

Would you deny her the pleasure of letting her make you "say cheese."