
¡Dios mío! I haven't seen a spread like that since Los Pollos Hermanos relocated to Belize.

C'mon, everyone knows that hetero nipples are completely different.

The Colorado Capitol dome is real gold! Nothing like Grandpa-green! This shade is much closer to Trumpian "gold," which would surely turn Grandpa-green if his casinos remained in business for more than a few years.

This is understatement. I've been to every discussion forum on the Internet, and I can say without hyperbole that this is a million times better than all of them put together.

The most depressing part is that at least 1/3 of the questions are easily answerable within about 3 seconds, and during the 12-second wait, the answers to previously-flubbed questions become perfectly clear.

I actually like Fred, I really do. Swell guy, cool, in some ways almost Dude-like. Brilliant depth of knowledge. The lesson: before going on Jeopardy, you really need to spend at least one weekend in Vegas. The man can't wager his way out of a cardboard box. Though he has many of the characteristics of a modern

Thanks. Hopefully I'll manage to come up with at least five cool anecdotes for the 2020 Senior Tournament. Sadly, I suspect Trebek is more likely to give me "Oh, that's nice" than "What a fantastic raconteur you are!"

Jay S., thank you for maintaining this cool little forum. Way back when, I spent a bit of time commenting at AV Club, but have been away for a while. I stumbled back through a random link to one of these Jeopardy threads, and have been "lurking" for the past few months.

I became a regular watcher of Jeopardy as a high

Thankfully there's a Sanders/Warren wing to keep Clinton semi-honest (ha). You're correct that this makes her far less disastrous than any Republican. But to suggest that she is in any sense a real "liberal" is laughable; she's the ultimate establishment player who will do/say what she needs to maintain her position.

Um, no, they're the same. Neither has a problem with the existing structure and operation of the financial power structure or the military-industrial complex. In fact, Hillary Clinton can be counted on to be a more reliable lackey than even Bill Clinton was. Sure, she'll be reliably liberal on choice and gay rights

Strangely and sadly I was compelled to check. It is a Maryland driver's license, with a Baltimore ZIP code, but the fine print actually does read "Baltimore, MB." It is a rather odd typo. I can't imagine how you managed to catch it.

Godwin's Second Law: As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a sloppy commenter misapplying Godwin's Law approaches 1.

Donnie is also Ukrainian? With a name like Hendrix? Whoda thunk it.

I eagerly await Donnie and Allison hitting the town in high style and assless (yes, assless) chaps. Though perhaps a preliminary shave job by Felix would be in order for one of them.

Gee, do you imagine someone is getting fired? Surely the producers and directors couldn't be expected to notice such a subtle goof! "You careless prop and continuity interns! We pay you (almost nothing) to know that Canadian money isn't the same as U.S. greenbacks!" And then the buck passes. They just needed someone

Anybody can get their original creations on broadcast television, but it takes staggering genius to copy it over to the Internet.

The "Don made the iconic Coke commercial" argument is clearly wrong. Don Draper is Ya Ho Wa.

Isn't that the language of Flanders? Well, I expect that type of language at Denny's but not here!

@avclub-3ea81b4d4341a95946a929ff9f912de3:disqus, this bothered me enough that I had to rewatch to investigate. During that final meditation scene, the participants actually have their backs to the ocean with the sun in front of them. The shadows are exactly the same as the shadows in the Coke commercial, and it is

What, is Canadian French analogous to Australian English or Puerto Rican Spanish? I didn't realize this; it all sounds like Cypriot Greek to me.