
The metal hand sure came in handy!

Well, the TV series seems to be doubling down on R+L=J. No reason to take time having Littlefinger endorse the possibility if they're not going in that direction. My personal theory is that they will run with it, and in about 8-9 years George R. R. Martin will conclude the book series with something else entirely.

So Meryn Trant is off to Bravos! How might this play out? Is there any possibility that the old theory of Syrio as Faceless Man in disguise happens? And what significance might Mace Tyrell play? Is there any reason for him to be in Bravos (beyond getting him out of King's Landing, and creating the excuse for Trant to

Actually, they made a huge point of Paul only being promoted to major after his return from the Dyad stint. In this episode, he waxed nostalgic for having served "with" the clones, not having been their commanding officer for many years. It stands to reason that at the time of the Season 2 meeting, they were both

There are elaborate facsimiles of every conceivable urban environment constructed at great expense at military facilities around the globe. Part of the beauty of the "military-industrial complex."

I am unclear on why the consensus seems to hold that last season's Paul/Mark scene doesn't make sense. As I remember it, there clearly was a "recognition" when they met, and that they were speaking a kind of code. It stood out as strange at the time and didn't add up. Don't subsequent revelations clarify more than

I suppose "creepy pale feral look" was more accurate for both her and Helena.

I've seen boisterous anti-American crowds in Europe and an actual angry anti-American mob in Egypt. I truly can't fathom how any crowd in Vancouver would compare. "Eh, that pretentious Disney tripe's an affront to our culture! Let's boycott Yank DVDs for the week! That'll show 'em! Oh, did I spill a drop o' my Molson

Haven't seen that, but I'm looking forward to more scenes with Eva Green in pseudo-albino hot babe mode in Season 2 of Penny Dreadful.

Better…stronger…faster. Yes, the Bionic Clone! With Mark as the first Six Million Dollar Clone!

Practically speaking, there really isn't much difference, is there? Just different parts of the same military-industrial complex. The Canadian branch is just slightly more polite and better at hockey, eh?

Unsexy? I doubt that I'm the only one that finds scary Maslany to be sexier than MILF Maslany.

I saw the potential as soon as they met last week, and I wasn't disappointed tonight. When that Evil Lincoln fellow shows up with his weekly list, this pairing sure as hell better be in the Top 10.

It commands our whole attention, absorbs our very beings. We face a hostile ideology — global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose, and insidious in method.

Oh, man, do we really want to open the door to learning what the people here have licked in the name of fanlove?

Leda and Castor are biological siblings? That will make the inevitable eventual assless chaps party even weirder. (Yes, I said it again! Please correct me, self-righteous scolds!) The more I think about it, the various conflicting relationships that develop between different Castors and different Leda's sound like

The guy clearly needs an ethos.

@avclub-808e22af6c33eea22608f30cef458844:disqus, I'm not super-regular in these parts, but I would love to hear your opinions of Hillary Clinton's suitability for the presidency, Erik Adams' suitability for TV criticism, and Alec Baldwin's suitability for public life.

I agree. I see the final two scenes being short takes. Roger on the phone says "Okay, okay, I'll be there!" and hangs up. And then Peggy, in Don's office, agrees "Fine. We'll redo the boards before the client gets here!" and then slams the door on the way out. End of series.

The difference being that when Team Hendrix is "down but not out," I still believe there's a chance that they'll take over the world.