
Any chance Scott-Felix will be making the list? My god, you must be Scott.

Donnie continues to really grow on me. "Fist me, fist me. That's a saying!" Yes, it is. I love how that little schemer Allison continues to put up with the guy! "He's totally trustworthy." And they definitely have ample stones.

Was anyone else feeling consistent echoes of Rutger Hauer's Roy Batty throughout the episode? The showrunners are clearly Blade Runner fans, but with a sense of humor.

How on earth do these military clowns expect Helena to concentrate when they taunt her with talk of delicious, delicious mangoes without even telling her where the mangoes are? And they call her mad. It's good that she has the wise scorpion to keep her sane in her sisters' absence.

Hey, at least Spirit Airlines allows a la carte pricing.

I would absolutely love to learn how you come to identify "objectivism" with a "great band." True, an idiotic following does not necessarily indicate idiocy. But Ayn Rand? Really? Did you really mean to suggest that Atlas Shrugged doesn't deserve the idiot label?

The weak and powerless outnumber the rich and powerful 99 to 1. So they have the "real" power, you see. It's UnAmerican to go after the "minority."

Of course. They're "satirizing" all those racist tropes. This is completely different, you see. It's self-consciously racist, so it's "OK." Meta and ironic and all that.

How, Netflix, how, how, how did you let this happen?

Had the wildings only set their eyes further south, Ygritte could have taken the Mountain.

As Philip revealed his true face, we were aware of Hans lurking outside. The boy has proven himself a killer, but needs more experience.

Plus the boy enjoys role playing, he's smart, and he buries an intense curiosity beneath visible disinterest. And he is growing into a handsome young man. I suspect that Henry is capable of anything and hope that the show has huge plans for him.

@avclub-bd282ef25a82fc6ff53e2b80d656deea:disqus you are dead on. He is undoubtedly a swell guy and would probably be great at reviewing shows I don't watch, but his take on The Americans is very painful. On a show that requires memory, knowledge, and insight, the TV Club editor clearly picked the wrong regular

This piece was outstanding, thank you. If only the editor of the TV Club would realize that he is much too brilliant of an editor to waste his time writing reviews and bow out next season (to concentrate on much more important things) and let a writer with this level of insight (and memory and actual writing talent)

If she felt any shred of guilt for taking advantage of a kid, she could have closed her eyes and imagined that sweet Governor Reagan.

I suspect that ESPN and Fox Sports have no trouble extracting plenty of extra revenue from advertisers on the basis of such public viewings, whereas the subscription-based HBO is theoretically just losing money.

My goodness, Veronica Cartwright and Jessica Lange being exactly the same age just doesn't feel right. Violet Rutherford is an ancient black and white antiquity. Dwan of the Jeff Bridges King Kong (and Angelique of All That Jazz) was an object of my high school lust. Shouldn't they be at least 30 years apart?

I will wait to comment until AV Club repeats this news again later.

Really, pot wasn't invented until 2005. The thought of people my age partaking is just ridiculous.

Before you know it, Wookies will be sodomizing Ewoks!