
He was over 40 before most of these whippersnappers were even born.

It took his grand consistency over three seasons of The Americans to even begin erasing his typecast in my mind as Jim Carry's sadsack faux-buddy in The Truman Show.

As I understand it, Rock Hudson's testimonials led millions of young boys to smoke Camels.

Wow! Just one Tink and I'm hooked!

I suspect that this is dead-on.

This was a fine analysis by Miles McNutt; among the best on the Internet. GoT-Expert reviews are in excellent hands at the AV Club this season.

I am happy that Podrick still loves the serving wenches, and the serving wenches still love Podrick.

It was undoubtedly CGI. These producers would never even consider harming a real pigeon in the production of this wholesome entertainment.

So the only people in your life that you don't hate are excellent writers and appealing video presences? Boy, you're stringent. You must hate 99.9% of the world!

Hey, I don't hate the guy by any means. And I have no doubt that he comes across as delightful to some. Heck, someone actually made him TV Editor of the AV Club! I just find his writing unimpressive and his video presence painful. And some of his editorial decisions incomprehensible ("internet" instead of "Internet"

The copy of the second episode is relatively poor quality, but it does appear to be the complete real thing. Thanks for the tip.

I see a situation in which Alison has taken on too much and is in danger of melting down. "Donnie, what should I do! I have to be at that campaign debate at four! And rehearsal is at the same time! And now, the girls expect me to babysit Helena! How can I be in all those places at the same time?"

Science! I believe that the dream was foreshadowing that the ultimate cure will be MAGNETS!

Are you suggesting that this Adams fellow is irritatingly grating? And that listening to him is distressingly painful? Because I would never say such a thing out loud. In fact, I would suggest that he sounds the way he writes.

She will be the always-fashionable Dread Pirate Rachel.

Thees seestra ees one crazy beetch!

Damn you, assless chaps haters, damn you all to hell!

No, it seems that there will always be Orphan Blacks fans that are OK with the redundancy of the common usage, and see "assless chaps" as a perfectly succinct and acceptable way to refer to a particular manner of wearing an article of clothing that is usually worn with pants (for purposes of protecting said pants).

At some point, we'll surely get multiple Maslanys and multiple Millens dominating an assless chaps party.

Surely, Ms. Framke. I have a great deal of history with Miles McNutt and Donna Bowman, but haven't yet gotten past "reviewer" in our discourse. Todd V. has been the only reviewer with whom I've ever made it to a first name basis. I think we have a long way to go. But you seem nice.