
She sees Felix as a safe male that serves with care and affection. It makes great sense to me. There's no reason that his sexuality or unconventionality should ever register in her image of him.

Somehow, the fantasy scene gave me idea that she had managed to see Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory during her tormented youth, and couldn't decide whether to identify with Charlie or Augustus Gloop.

re Alison-Donnie: I hope that, with the extra time on his hands, Alison lets him run against the vile real estate agent. She would make a much more amusing campaign wife than a candidate.

Regarding Mark, didn't he once allude to having deserted from the military? Surely he grew up with (and turned from) his "brothers."

"Custody Clone?" Seriously, reviewer, that's the best you could do? He's the "Naked Buddhist Clone!"

Wouldn't it be nice?

Fair enough. Though I might quibble with a couple of your Season 4 choices. When I minimized the high points as "a few glimpses," I may have been understating. There was probably an excellent half-season in there, dispersed between the mediocrity.

Well, that was rather uncouth and minimally insightful, but I upvoted for solidarity, because I also had a great deal of trouble paying even half attention to the tripe. I am amazed that the Venn diagram of "Person of Interest Fans" and "People that Enjoy Pseudo-Deep Amateurish Tripe" overlaps as much as this

…by PoI standards fairly mediocre (with flashes of excellence). So I don't think the pacing of the season was the issue, just the uneven structure and quality post-MIA.

I wasn't familiar with this service. Thanks for letting us know, HBO!

Tony Tiger on Tuesday! Everyone knows that the plane of madness is actually Ikea, not Costco.

Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it. Thank you.

I envisioned a Werner Herzog treatment. Life at the farm must be sheer hell. A vast, merciless hell of permanent and immediate danger. So much of a hell that during evolution some species crawled, then flew into the skies, where the Lessons of Darkness continue.

Dinklage, isn't your participation akin to dwarf throwing? I pray to all the gods, old and new, that you're charging them the Iron Price.

Lucy Liu did a fantastic job directing an episode Elementary. And she's generally wonderful. Clearly they don't want a real director. So she's perfect, no?

Or even Guffman for that matter.

What on earth are you talking about? Ultra-crazy-ass-conservatives run merely ultra-conservative candidates out of Republican primaries at every level of government every year! They are serious about their crazy-ass conservatism and have driven their party (and the Democrats with them!) far, far in the crazy-ass

So long as she doesn't turn into James Franco.

What's the Westorsi equivalent of slamming down the phone?

So, reviewer, some episodes are "floating around?" Would that be on the Internet?