
From here on out, every contretemps between Holmes and Watson will result in great speculation here as to whether it will lead to Joan embarking on another new career in fashion with Bobby Alaqua (in addition to the standard concern about Clyde's emotional well-being).

If only we had the courage to incorporate the provisions of Indiana's Religious Freedom act into the Federal law, perhaps the Lord would have blessed us and not taken dear Robert Schuller away.

Well, that's brutal and rude…but essentially correct. I've trained myself well enough to skim over the crap pretty quickly when the pretension is so obviously unearned and misplaced, and it usually doesn't irritate too much. But when these grand reflections emanate from a kid clearly much closer to Paige's age than my

Absolutely true, I was just sayin'…let's wait until we see his season before deciding that he deserves the award more than Rhys or Odenkirk.

"We are from France"

Technically, we haven't seen Hamm act yet for this Emmy year. Maybe he stinks it up in those final episodes? He needs to really knock it out of the park before I sign on to giving it to him before Rhys or Odenkirk.

It was disappointing that the quality of his hidden "stash" was so unbelievably poor. The boy is indeed resourceful, clever, and a deep connoisseur of pop culture. He would be wacking off to much better stuff.

The real Pastor Tim is too unreal to believe. Philip trying to pull it off would just be showing off.

Was the Tootsie scene foreshadowing of future applications of wig technology that allow Philip to finally do a job in drag?

Fair enough! In previous weeks, others here expressed "concern" that Fortitude would devolve into a trite environmentalist allegory (which doesn't look like a problem now!). But I really would love to see the show flesh out the question of how law enforcement can function in a land of ubiquitous gun ownership as a

2 Dead 2 Walk

Uh, thanks for your insight. Did you actually read my post? "If ever there were a civilized environment in which their claims for the virtue of firearms were valid, Fortitude would be it." You seem to be completely agreeing with nearly everything I wrote, so about what exactly am I "absolutely wrong?"

This may be the most effective show in TV history in demonstrating the folly of the National Rifle Association. If ever there were a civilized environment in which their claims for the virtue of firearms were valid, Fortitude would be it. But I can't imagine an open firearms regime under which Frank and Henry would be

Hey, I really appreciated Get a Life. I remember that it premiered at the same time as Seinfeld, and crushed it in the ratings for the first few months. Chris Elliot had a brief window during which he could mock Jerry Seinfeld, a crime for which he is unlikely to ever be forgiven.

The risk was entirely different. At the warehouse, they left with what they needed, and the risk was merely that the guy might trigger an investigation. The death threat was likely to be effective, and the downside was not devastating (they already had the submarine data!). In this case, exposure would have ruined the

I'm still upset that the Emmy's failed to honor Aaron Staton for his brilliant acting (and similar sacrifice) as Ken Cosgrove.

No, any non-USA made components would have been Japanese. The Japanese Red Army Faction was still sort of a thing, but I suspect security at Fujitsu and Toshiba were far more substantial than at the FBI.

No, he was amatory.

Uh, yeah, great insight. "Logical" refers to "logic," "logistical" to "logistics." Did you actually read the preceding comments? (I apologize for the sarcasm if English is not your primary language.)

Say what you will about Reese, he is still one of very few television characters that could even remotely pull off the fiction of being a plausible protector of Lagertha the Viking.