
There's very little mention in the comments of Beth. I still love the actress and am holding out hope that we haven't seen the last of her. How can one not love a woman that flirts by using "precautionary principles" as double entendre?

The final scene with Frankie was shot brilliantly. She and her stretched legs filled the full front of the frame, with a diminutive-seeming Fusco in the center, just grinning at her like an admiring schoolboy. Once again, he falls for the cute young thing that can kick his ass.

I believe the reviewer knows exactly what the word means, and was indirectly advocating the actual logistical approach Root should have logically taken with regard to Samaritan: "You killed my Shaw; prepare to die." Root is far more in character as an Inigo Montoya than a shrinking violet, and the character betrayal

Yes, both could conceivably work, but the reviewer's usage really makes sense, while MarcD's suggestion is just silly. The logical inconsistency the reviewer points out was logistical: what was the real risk of Finch's plan, versus the potential benefit? Would the marginal risk of executing the plan have been that

I don't know what kooky theology you're trying to retcon into this mythology, but every sane religious tradition recognizes the redemptive force of working at a Slavic car wash. If it had been a Jewish car wash or a Korean car wash, he would have also had to pray a set number or rosaries to expect wholeness, but the

Nobody ever said brain surgery was rocket science. But in Carson's defense, he is far from the worst of the ilk, just the kookiest.

Uh, no, this is 100% wrong in every regard. Of course there is a Michigan State Bar exam, and even graduates of the University of Michigan's top national law school must pass the bar to practice in Michigan.

…the kind of person who cannot abide their morality plays to be unleavened by gunshots and cops and robbers and mayhem…

Yeah, this show really needs to do a better job of making some of this confusing stuff more clear, like they do on the Law and Order shows.

Oh, please, everyone knows that brain surgeons are the worst. Blessed are the cheesemakers.

This seems entirely plausible, and none of the details we know would clearly contradict the theory.

Thank you for sending me down that bizarre rabbit hole. 3/4 of the way through your vignette, it clicked in my mind that Vincent might = Victor from Penny Dreadful. No, surely it WAS Victor from Penny Dreadful. But I'm the type that has to know for sure, so off to IMDB. OK, Luke Treadway…Harry Treadway? TWIN BROTHERS?

I suspect that this is the case, but it is still shrouded in mystery. Another possibility may be that he was protecting Hildur by covering for actions of her husband. Either way, he seems to realize that it was a futile gesture and a grave error.

Good catch! And I now see that Chipo Chung, who plays Trish Stoddart, was the actress under the makeup of the pre-regeneration Master's charming companion Chantho in "Utopia."

OK, normally I can make three consecutive comments in a discussion here, and they're distributed deep enough that it feels like part of a conversation, and not spamming. To have so much to say about a great show with an empty board is a very strange feeling. Why are so few commenters interested in Fortitude?

This show sure found a great way to illustrate the importance of the note from Stoddart before Vincent even revealed the contents. Officer Ingrid suggests to Vincent that "you're welcome to join the two of us" on a swimming excursion. Natalie expresses irritation, but Vincent barely acknowledges the invitation. Yes,

The torture was gruesome, but it really required that degree of ugliness to elicit complete sympathy for the creepy, creepy Markus. Within a week, I suspect that Markus will be thankful that the monster Frank just took a fingernail, which will grow back, rather than torching the Ikea shelf full of vinyl.

I am Spartacus.

I truly hope that Sakharov's hunger strike works its way into The Americans at some point. The 1984 timing may align with next season. Would it be weird for Gabriel and/or Vasily to be revealed as old Moscow State University chums?

Die Baker Die!