
At this point, doesn't it make much more sense for Hans to just "monitor" him, and perhaps "develop" him if an opportunity arises? It's easy enough to kill Todd at any time. But Todd is primed to be manipulated and used by the KGB, and that would present a greater training opportunity than just "offing" him. Plus, it

Which strengthens @SlackerInc's point that people's failure to see it before spouting stupidity is lamentable. It would be interesting to see a study of the expansion patterns of stupid comments as a discussion forum grows in length. In a discussion of a show like Fortitude, there is almost no stupidity. Even

I understand that some of it must come off as entirely silly to someone outside the "community." The Mail Robot Love thing falls in line with the Bear Love thing in the Person of Interest reviews, or the Clyde Love thing in the Elementary reviews. But I'm completely OK with it so long as the criticism is legit, which

Yeah, it's not like he mistook Negobo for Samuel L. Jackson (or that sweet Morgan Freeman fellow).

I can agree without hyperbole that this is a million times worse than all of the other networks put together.

At this point, it may seem to make sense to keep her in play to see how events transpire. As he lay in bed at the end, though, it was clear that Phil realizes that the game is just about up. For her to die in an elaborate "accident" or "mugging" would serve no purpose; the KGB will be blamed regardless. They must

Elizabeth's mother. "Is she…(dead)?"

Now that you mention it, that does feel borderline anachronistic. By the time I was using it regularly in the late mid-late 80s, the collections were very limited, going back a few years at most. Anything older than than that would require the microfilm, certainly newspapers from the late 60s or early 70s.

Daddy’s boy! He’s got a daddy that he brings such joy.

I am fascinated that we haven't seen Taffet interview Stan. In fact, since the spotting of the bug, Stan has been completely removed from the drama. If I recall correctly, there was some early-season discussion here about Stan's strange focus on the pen during a meeting in Gaad's office. And of course, there was

I imagine that the best opportunities for youngsters with this aptitude are working for The Daily Show and the like. I am often blown away considering the number of indexing hours that must lay the foundation for a 2-minute clip of quotes (going back many years) on some obscure subject.

No, you're not dumb in this case, there was nothing there. If that's what the reviewer was thinking, then, well…enough said. Unless there's some other angle he was thinking, but if so, it's obscure enough that it would have merited a little elaboration.

The indexes were actually amazingly thorough. I imagine she began with 1968 (before she was born) and checked out each issue with a major article listed covering a major "protest" or "demonstration," then just scanned over the pictures looking for a familiar face, or a "Gregory." Once she had Gregory's full name, she

That was a painful thing for the reviewer to have forgotten, and must have diminished the ugly pall over the scene in which her handler revealed where her assignment would be. Nina was a bit sickened by the thought of doing that sort of work, but we knew that there would soon be a further layer of discomfort. The

…is she hatching a plan that will take Paige off of the KGB’s shortlist for new recruits?

I imagine that Gaad normally takes his Buddhism seriously. Only the Mail Robot could inspire "God damn it to hell!"-level passion.

OK @disqus_pmXcFAvOxJ:disqus, I've checked every source I know, and all of the episodes seem to be titles except for the finale. Where are you getting your information?

Ah, "The Suitcase," it's been so long since I've given that episode a thought. The Americans has amazingly managed to completely rewire the images in my brain that are triggered by mention of "The Suitcase."

When the Berlin Wall came down, it seemed to young me to have been as old as Hadrian's Wall or the Great Wall of China. I just now realized that it has been down nearly as long as it was up. Wow.

C'mon, I made a post a few hours ago dismissing the empty silliness of this thread. Now you're going and classing it up. Facts, historical understanding, context…thinking? What's going on here?