
The Deep South Racists were just beginning to abandon the Democratic Party with the "Reagan Revolution," and a decent man like Jimmy Carter was still able to self-identify as evangelical. Very different times.

Until this episode, Hans was a big nothing for me, but I am now won over. In the car with Elizabeth, he gently approached smugness in noting "you thought I was imagining things" when he brilliantly identified "Todd." He touched on arrogance as he condemned the arrogance of the "Todds" of the world (almost calling back

Do we have any reason to believe that Paige, at the next Jennings Dinner Party, will know not to brag about her parents' former activism? Or mention that their good friend "Gregory" was killed by the police? In one of her moods, she may very well believe that good old Stan would find the story interesting. As slow as

Wow, there are close to 900 comments here, and I'm guessing that there are at least a few dozen that I would like to read, but there's zero possibility of finding them through Disqus hell. Perhaps if reviewer would give next week's episode a C- it would discourage the Idiot Brigade from returning.

Well done, "rick," you got me. Before, I believed that there was a 1% chance that you were just a bit dim but well meaning. But on top of failing to understand anything about the plot, you managed to mistake the train station scene for an airport? No, nobody is that stupid. We've been played. I saw it from a mile

After sleeping on this, I think that there must be something to it. The Kaylee Age Anomaly is too glaringly obvious to play out if Better Call Saul continues, as expected, through the events of 2010. They would have to cast different actresses each season to keep Kaylee consistently five years old, which would be even

It has the distinction of being the second potentially interesting program spoiled by the bizarrely overrated mediocrity Magda Apanowicz (after Kyle XY and before Conintuum).

I can't believe that I'm letting myself get sucked into this.

Interesting, but Mike's only links to Stacey are Matt and Kaylee. Should Kaylee die, I don't see any possibility of Stacey having a child with another man, and then Mike being a part of that.

If you really care about your audience here, you'll realize that you are putting far too much time and thought into critically reflecting on these episodes and writing elegant reviews. For far too many, it seems, it is the GRADE that matters, dammit, and the range must be "A+" to "A-."

Huh? Are you suggesting that this Kaylee gets killed, but before dying Matt had made sperm bank deposits which his widow then uses to make a new, age-appropriate Kaylee in time for Breaking Bad?

Sadly, your well-written concision is surely lost on anyone who has failed to get it by this point. After the experience of True Detective I've learned that it isn't worth bothering to explain basic plots points to anyone too lazy to pay attention. Comments sections are great for fleshing out obscure details and

The episode made a point of establishing the councilman as a "friend of the department," and my impression was that the investigating cops were working at the behest (either directly or indirectly through channels) of the councilman. They certainly had reasons for so strongly suspecting Holmes that went beyond the

Last night as I lay in exhaustion, I held my cellphone upright with the alarm set to go off in one minute, and clicked the button to advance one minute when the timer approached zero. Eventually, I dozed during that minute, and the alarm went off to awake me. I completed three cycles of this and had no brilliant

Seriously? I only follow a handful of programs, but you seem to be the only one that consistently comments on pretty much all of them. How can Hannibal not be part of your repertoire? Did the gruesomeness of Season 1 turn you off? For me, only 4-5 programs (including The Americans) seem to rank higher than Hannibal.

No, the point was that Chernenko was a self-made man surrounded by self-made men, and that nepotism would play much less of a role in that regime than under the Brezhnev/Andropov regime.

If I recall correctly, Arkady suggested during his first heart-to-heart with Oleg that he was in with Chernenko and the "up by the bootstraps" faction of the Politburo, as opposed to the gilded faction with which Oleg's father is associated.

I relish the prospect of Callie Thorne adding whole new layers of awkwardness to the next Jennings dinnertime cringefest. Will she try to convert Paige from Christianity to EST? Or will she set Henry straight on the ways of the world when he asks whether she's also "friends" with Mrs. Beeman?

The amazing depth of the cast is proven by an Arkady/Nina/Gaad/Sandra-free episode richly deserving an A.

I still insist that they reprise Bob Odenkirk's "sexy robot voice" from Better Call Saul.