
I don't know. Didn't he always ultimately try to do right by Walt and Jesse, on their own terms? When did he ever scam or betray a client? Yes, he is ultimately looking out for Saul, but when did that ever conflict with looking out for the best interest of his clients, within the twisted context of what his

For me, it was the 17th "butthole" that sealed it.

Funny, every time he appears I briefly mistake him for Ted Chaough.

At least the commies have an ethos.

This comment pulled me into reminiscences of True Detective. "I don't like your face. It makes me want to do things to it." Which led me further down the path of imagining Marty and Rust attending EST. And this really scared me.

I remembered Mork & Mindy as a completely innocuous children's show, until we got the DVDs to watch with our small children. Other than a lack of official "swearing," Robin Williams actually held very little back from his R-rated comedy.

I can picture Henry discovering the basement stash, playing with the electronic gadgets and checking out the fake passports, saying "hey, cool," and putting it all away without another thought. Months or years later, when Elizabeth reveals that they're Soviet spies, Paige freaks out and Henry simply replies "yeah, I

I'm less concerned with being surprised by a kid than with being surprised by Social Services showing up for a background check/interview. "So where do you work, Clark? What's your supervisor's phone number? When exactly did you graduate from college?"


Who wears the pants in that divorce?

I completely thought the dude in the opening with the jean jacket and fedora was Philip in disguise. I was impressed by the extra padding. It was briefly confusing when the drug deal went down and I realized that it was really just a sleazy creep selling to teenagers. Little did I know that Philip had much creepier

It's fine with me that the mail robot took a week off. I don't think I'll be able to look at it again without expecting it to say something inappropriate in Jimmy McGill's sexy robot voice. "I want you to slip that file right here, Martha. C'mon, baby, reach a little farther. Grrrrrr."

Fusco has long had a thing for girls that can kick the shit out of him, and he was seeking approval from MMA-girl in the fashion of the approval he earned from Shaw.

@Dalia, please report to us whether the ads presented by AV Club change noticeably in the aftermath of this posting. Are they plugging any odd drugs or services?

Breaking Bad Season 1, Episode 3. My bad; I looked it up and it was in fact a digitally-altered Cranston (plus neon lighting and great acting). The fact that I remembered it differently after all these years testifies to how well they pulled it off; nobody mistook McKeon and Odenkirk in cheesy makeup as actual

We need to somehow tie the sexy robot gimmick to the mail robot gimmick on The Americans. Martha would really respond if the mail robot had that particular sexy voice.

It stands to reason that Hamlin Hamlin McGill's interest in owning Chuck and the McGill name, plus Jimmy's career path, plus mental illness, all lead to the estrangement and the birth of Saul Goodman.

Cut to present day, and little Warren Kettleman has patterned his voicemail greeting after his mentor Jesse's. "Yo, bitch, you know what to do. Beep."

It could have been much worse. "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt" is one thing; they may have easily gone full-Flanders with "Joy Joy Joy Joy down in my heart!" Be thankful that Gilligan showed restraint.

I noticed that as well. Jimmy also has more of a Midwest sound than Saul ever did.