
I just hope that when Jimmy moved to Albuquerque, he didn't have to go door to door to tell everyone he was a pederast. Nacho, however, could pass as a Quintana.

Gilligan had the decency to cast a different actor as the twentysomething Walt. It was far less distracting than the holding cell scene with McKean/Odenkirk. Oh well.

Yeah, I get it, and if he had the store's complete inventory with shipping weights it would make complete sense. But that level of specificity by guessing at the inventory and weighing items from around the house by hand? I realize that the show needs to stretch credulity for affect and amusement, but it just seemed a

Quickly finding the vet's info did seem cheap, but having Sherlock fish a critical clue from zebra dung was more-than-fair game.

I suspect that Dormer is booked solid for the next couple of years, but the producers (with CBS $) were able to tie her down for a week or two. Brilliantly, rather than having her do one season-closing episode, they were able to tape enough of her during her limited time to weave some footage through the rest of the

Thanks for the tips. One of my ancestral neighborhoods is Lincolnshire, At some point in the next few years I'll figure out a way split a couple of weeks between there and Baden-Württemberg.

She was caught with enough contraband to get her into solitary. But the thought of a little tailor hidden in her cell is very amusing. Perhaps that was the weak link that got her killed? What tailor would deny Moriarty her vengeance?

@dygitalninja has it right! The fact that they are both now devoted exclusively to their work (and legitimately like each other!) suggests that an occasional dalliance could satisfy their lingering needs for "normalcy" and "affection" without getting in the way of what really matters. I would be super-impressed with

Though I have yet to have the opportunity to spend time in the UK, I thought that I was rather well grounded in all things British. But despite growing up with Emma Peel, Doctor Who, and every version of Sherlock Holmes to make it to a screen, I never realized until tonight that "zebra" was pronounced like "Debra" in

Brian George's performance probably did have depth, but he is so typecast in my mind as Babu that the intended gravitas escaped me.

How on earth did Holmes ascertain the contents of the package #27, down to the fact that it included a tracking device? Certainly Pet Junction in Chicago would have many combinations of items that together weigh 12' 9". Why did it have to be a water bowl, canine treats and a "tail trail?" And why would Holmes have one

Uh, I can't fathom that Henry wouldn't hold Stan in even higher esteem if he knew about Nina.

Matthew Rhys was seriously channeling Lawrence Oliver in that scene. It was a brilliant mix of his performances in Wuthering Heights and Marathon Man.

Was Elizabeth lying or demented when she claimed to her mentee to know little of fashion? The fact that she took his observation to be anything but professional admiration was a demonstration of her insecure ambivalence in this area of Westernization.

After three episodes I am still not used to the extra movement in the opening sequence. I am startled each time the music takes that different turn from the version integrated into my brain from multiple binges of the full series.

But it sees Professor Wren just fine, doesn't it?


Duh, good point, I guess I'm not yet fully awake yet.

The reviewer sure gives Zoe short shrift. True, she doesn't disappoint in the "sassy and sexy" department, but she was also a significant balancer in the Reese-Psychologist Iris development. She provided the opportunity for Reese to really show us what's going on in his mind and heart. Reese is a "certain way" with

I am not convinced that it wasn't related to Samaratin. The logistics of the "villains" pulling this all off don't make complete sense. How was Nina the Schoolmarm identified and co-opted so quickly and efficiently? How were the jurors surveilled so effectively? How did the 12th juror's phone happen to ring (with the