
The man has layers, because he's consistently an onion. We may peel away, but every flake reveals something that…wait, I'm writing the next philosophical Dominic monologue.

Yes, those flat circles truly overlap. Now we just need McConaughey or Harrelson to show up in the PoI universe and all will be right.

Caviezel actually delivered the line "no man is an island" without making me want to groan audibly. The man's amazing deadpan style is grossly underrated and central to this show's brilliance. Nearly every episode offers cliches that would come off as ridiculous in the mouths of any other cast, which gives it the

They allowed Fusco to be quite amused with himself after his best line of episode, to Shaw: You wear makeup?

When she was introduced, I was a bit concerned with where they would be going with the character. "Hey, Silva, whose team you on out there?" "ExcUse me?" Thankfully, she's safe for now from the clutches of Root, but I do suspect we'll be seeing more of Ms. Silva.

So long as the intelligence of his pontificating doesn't stagnate or regress, I think that I'm really going to like Dominic. But his reveal to Team Machine was disappointing. After the brilliance of his cover during his time with Shaw as Mini, and the surprise of his reveal to the audience, I expected PoI to do a much

Oh, brother.

Justified is the one current "prestige" show for which I was never able to gin up an ounce of interest, and I also had no clue who Jacob Pitts was. But so long as the reviewer doesn't go on at great length about the actor's other character, this sort of treatment is entirely justified. I was actually taken aback when

My irritation would have gone through the roof had he mentioned the "beauty" of Euler's Identity.

But he loves feasting on scented meat.

Last season, someone had a problem with the reviewer's innovation of referring to the Brownstone with proper capitalization. What would the scold make of the realization that it should have been ALL CAPS all along (like the TARDIS):

No, we need Clyde + Bear the Dutch-Belgian Malinois.

Wow, that somehow went over my head completely, but I think that you're dead-on. And the fact that Kitty must have intuitively known this, while Holmes is likely clueless, speaks volumes as well.

Yes, it triggered thoughts of Diary of a Wimpy Kid. I doubt that many here are familiar with the story, but there's a stale/moldy cheese scene that a 12-year-old JLM would have killed.

Was this guy playing himself? I really had no clue who it was, but got the clear impression that I should have. Hugely irritating. Was there any sort of explanation? Is it reasonable to just assume that these people would be familiar an American football announcer? I had planned to re-watch the tedious scene to figure

Was this guy playing himself? I really had no clue who it was, but got the clear impression that I should have. Hugely irritating. Was there any sort of explanation? Is it reasonable to just assume that these people would be familiar an American football announcer? I had planned to re-watch the tedious scene to figure

I dread the thought of Holmes one day noticing that Kitty is wearing a pair of boots that her benefactor Joan wore once in 2012.

Unlike with Person of Interest, which more realistically shows that 50% of New York's violent crimes are committed by elite government operatives and benevolent vigilantes.

When it was pointed out at the beginning that information on the wall had been painted over, I briefly began considering how much effort and expense it would take to procure the equipment to read through the paint. How odd that just such a device was ultimately revealed to be critical in the "B" case.

Peace, fursa_saida , you make some nice points. When I made a (very) little joke in response to your original comment, and you responded with "I've been reading Seth Godin and more recently Foucault, which you can deem bizarre leftist propaganda if you like," followed by a very long missive, I found it inexplicably