
You really need to balance the Foucault with some Zizek and develop a sense of humor, friend. I completely get bread and circuses and didn't mean to disagree with anything in your original little post. Maybe add some Juvenal and William James to the reading list, and rewatch The Matrix (but don't take any of it too

I don't know what bizarre leftist propaganda you've been reading, but that's a ridiculous claim. American high schools haven't been producing "compliant factory workers" for decades. They're designed to produce compliant cubicle and retail workers that enjoy consuming the products of offshore factories.

As an aside, I was actively looking for evidence of Samaritan's tampering in recent weeks as it slowly dawned on me that my neighbors were about to succeed in replacing one of the Senate's strongest advocates of privacy and open government (Udall) with an unreformed Koch-loving hack-for-sale.

I live in a Red area of a (usually) Blue state and had many opportunities to discuss "religious liberty" with its advocates over the past few months. Within minutes, these discussions devolve through "freedom of conscience" to the functional equivalent of "it's icky." As I age I am no longer surprised to see otherwise

The charity security guy? He wanted to get back to his Facebook and needed the Internet working ASAP.

John Hannah was a Scotsman playing an aristocrat. Hardly the model we should be following.

Hmm, I remember him laughing mockingly at his former comrades, claiming responsibility for their inevitable defeat, before being decapitated by Naevia.

That's "arse."

There's no reason to believe she was going for "authentic French accent." She was clearly going for "American male fantasy Frenchy-ish accent," and nailed it.

I was completely dreading the prospect that they would open the vault and discover something that would tie in with the tablet charity. In this case, I would have been very irritated.

I agree that this clunked a bit, but was still excellent compared to "this week's TV" in general. I thought it actually improved slightly on last week's episode. I am really astounded that AV Club found a reviewer for this show that is so dead-on.

Root will surely have to slip back into French Mary Poppins Barbie mode if she crosses paths with that one.

Yankee propaganda? Next you'll be suggesting that El Duque doesn't belong in the Hall of Fame! What kinda 'merican are you?

That's the problem with casting an actor that played such an iconic role. I was hugely distracted by an innate expectation that he would go into treacherous weasel mode. No qualms with the acting at all, but it was tough listening to him without hearing Ashur. Strangely, we (and the reviewer) seem to be the only Sparta

To his credit, he is much more subtle when he spits the kids' failures into his napkin.

Ditto. Each of my children could work independently in the kitchen by age 8. Much of it has to do with family size. My college/adult children report that their culinary tastes and skill are most often appreciated by their "only-child" friends. In large families, kids don't have the option to be picky or lazy. And the

Actually, that became quite a problem with the last series. The fact that Leslie was >50 was mentioned at least 100 times over the course of the competition.

Wait, what? Are you suggesting that Saul's been in the closet all this time and his marriage to Mira was just for show? And that she's capable of vengeance? No, I don't think so.

How did that strange shot get past the CEO of Tits?

So the Old Testament and the movie 300 aren't perfectly historically accurate? And women were treated differently in ancient times? Ok, sorry, I get it now. Thank you for educating me. I can tell that you're very smart.