
Does this mean I have to boycott his Hannibal show on NBC? Because he's really good in that.

Jeff Foxworthy for The American Bible Challenge. I had no idea that such a thing existed. Wow.

Yes, exactly. Philip, Elizabeth, Kate, Claudia, etc., are all "secret identity" names. "Scott" is likewise the "secret identity" name of the fake Swedish spy played by Philip.

In the same sense that "Philip" is a pretty unlikely name for a Russian guy. For Annalise, the name "Scott" is his unsecret-secret identity.

No, this is not what I said! I do "agree with the author about the utility of the test, appropriately deployed," but then suggest that the Bechdel Test is constantly used inappropriately, even within this same article!

"Why can't we suggest that they should tackle certain issues head-on?"

Again, I am in complete agreement that Hollywood has a huge problem, and the Bechdel Test is a fine tool for analyzing industry trends that define and illustrate the problem. This article illustrates the value and power of the tool used properly.

The cocktail sounds lovely. If it warms up as much as expected, perhaps I'll try one when I watch that horse race this Saturday.

…Its power comes not from applying it to individual films but from applying it to large groupings of films as a way to spot overall trends.

This episode certainly made explicit the theme of MAD (mutually assured destruction) and I expect that this will drive the rest of the season (and beyond).

By this point, I believe they were up to Friday the 13th, Part III. Even putting aside the serial killer sub-plot, the depiction of summer camp in these films should have scared any decent father of a teen daughter.

He tried to warn Nina away from Oleg. Are you sure that Nina was the one he was trying to protect? Perhaps his jealous rage would point in the other direction.

I can't imagine an enraged Arkady. The guy is actually cool enough to pass as a Buddhist.

Do we have any reason to believe that Stan has ever had a conversation with his own teen son that was 1/10 as thoughtful and understanding as his conversation with Jared? Stan comes off as pitifully tormented with Nina, but he really is a completely manipulative bastard. I can't imagine ever rooting for him.

Larrick is not interested in going double-agent or in any way working with the FBI. This is personal. I suspect that he wants to root out and destroy the network, and maintain enough leverage to keep the Soviets at bay for good.

2014 Oleg is nearing retirement right about now, and I'm sure that he was instrumental in helping to persuade his government to take measures to ensure that his family's resort will remain secure for generations to come.

Sounds about right. I doubt that he was unaware of their plans for information, but expected them to get in and out quietly. He is pissed that there were casualties that will be investigated. And he wants out of the Soviets' control once and for all.

Earlier today, AV Club plugged an upcoming John Singleton thing on Showtime about the Contras smuggling crack into LA to raise funds, with U.S. protection. The Larrick character in that milieu would be perfect on many levels.

Please, Kate was and will remain clueless until it's too late.

Elizabeth in the hotel lobby was looking rather like a truly-lethal version of Annalise. The sexy, sophisticated blonde wig has been an underused piece of her repertoire.