
Yes, Gaad is back and better than ever. I still don't completely understand the "leverage" he used to get Arkady to back off on the Vlad thing, but it actually worked. He alone knew to check that odd briefcase a bit more thoroughly, and the reviewers are right that his relationship with Arkady will be important going

You have every right to an opinion, even a silly one. But if you're going to be provocative without providing reasoned evidence for your silly opinion, expect to be snarked. Criticizing an outstanding character on the basis of imagined stringiness in the hair of the actress is not serious, and really doesn't deserve a

I plan to rewatch a few key favorite episodes this week, expecting much of the history to come back into play in the closing weeks. I fully expect the "Cartagena" thing to be significant, along with the missing generators, Vigilance, Control and Hersh. I suppose that Elias is too much to hope for, but nothing would

Wow. Root is on a first name basis with Reese! "Nice to see you, John." No Lurch or Neanterthal. Though she is amused that he remains Finch's "faithful watchdog."

I am really struggling with the mechanics behind Samaratin's "limited test." How is it, exactly, that the Feds were able to simply turn "on," and then "off," about a bazillion separate cross-jurisdictional and private feeds? Limited to a particular geography? If it is a simple matter of removing an "input," why is it

On Mad Men, he came across as a bit creepy, and it was difficult to judge whether the character was meant to be genuinely nice or a bit shady. As it turned out, the character was insignificant and his personality really didn't matter to the course of the story. Hanks' weird acting was just a strange distraction.

I've only previously seen Colin Hanks on Mad Men and Dexter, and was decidedly unimpressed. But he is really nailing this character and I am enjoying the performance.

Her father's injury was from a traffic stop gone bad, like ten years earlier. Molly really was that teen daughter.

I've been hoping to see Stewart flesh out some of the show ideas he expressed to Ricky Gervais on Extras. "I play a man who controls the world with his mind…for instance, I'm walking along, and I see this beautiful girl, and I think I'd like to see her naked, and so all her clothes fall off."

I eagerly await Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries and John Williams' Imperial Attack.

It is established that sonic screwdrivers do not work on wood.

Don't forget Black Vulcan, El Dorado and Samurai!

Do they have the courage to go with Wendy and Marvin, or would we be subjected to CGI Wonder Twins?

I want a similar animation with hula hooping.

This never would have happened had she patronized Edna Mode. Certainly not Alison's fault.

That almost makes sense, but the timing is a bit off. Hannibal has to be at least 20 years out of grad school, in his mid-late forties, which puts his childhood in the 70s/early 80s.

I truly hope that they are able to get Bowie on board. He has the unique combination of gravitas and strangeness to pull off the role of the European uncle that nurtured the young Hannibal and began "watering that flower with killing water to make it grow."

Here is a desire to contribute in a positive way to the world… even though it’s really fucked up. [Laughs.]

It really is a cool metaphor. In the Star Wars films, we only saw three Sith lords. The Master's first apprentice, Darth Maul, is dispatched with little effort by Obi Wan Kenobi. The Master goes on to be a true Master of the Universe, the Emperor. He manages to "persuade" Obi Wan Kenobi's apprentice to "transform"

Bruno Heller needs to let The Mentalist disappear into the Texas sunset and pour his energy into reviving Rome. The world, your mom, and the HBO CEO of Tits are finally ready.