
Had he lived in 1950s Milwaukee, he may have been crushed to death by female flesh on the floor of Arnold's Restaurant.

I'd better rush to the Goodwill and Salvation Army Thrift shops right away to grab up any remaining copies while they're still 99 cents. By the end of the year, they'll be collectibles!

Burnett and Downey need to be involved to ensure that Ridley and Bekmambetov accurately integrate traditional marriage and Second Amendment themes. And Angels!

The word is normally used in realm of archaeology; otherwise, it is obscure. George Orwell would agree that saving three syllables justifies the pretension of excavating and dusting off an antique construction. Most writers would see it as unnecessary pretension. By all means dig deep into the richness of the English

Graffito? Really? Would anyone else in 2014 not use "a line of graffiti" in place of the obscure singular construction?

You won't ever make everyone happy! Just make sure that whatever you do, you do well. As you know, the quality of the writing across all of your shows varies greatly, and that should be the biggest concern, regardless of format or length.

There's certainly room on the Internet for many, many forms of review, and kudos on taking chances. I am really looking forward to Louie and hope your approach does it justice.

How do you decide what kind of show benefits from this kind of approach?

I'm inclined to be much more charitable. I don't believe that the troll is stupid or dishonest, simply delusional and childish.

He isn't watching the same show. In the "Stray Observations," reviewer Koski notes that in the New York Times, Oliver North described the show as "a great opportunity…to showcase the man who changed the world for the good, my kids and my grandkids.” I suspect that the troll also sees this as a celebration of Reagan

Careful about feeding this creature. The accusation that the reviewers are somehow "pro-Soviet" seems like simple trolling, but this fellow's comment history suggests that he really lives in paranoid fantasy land.

"There is grace and forgiveness for you. For everyone."

Yes, this is it.

I think Stan's concerns are more along the lines of the "secret" of the Northrum employee that Elizabeth is trying to exploit. AA attendance is not a blackmailable offense, but is a door for the Soviets that Stan would want to barricade.

Yes. Any chance that there are photos in those files he is scouring on each of the scientists? If Phillip, Elizabeth, or the kids show up in any of them, it could lead to some interesting late-season scenes.

Hey, maybe the guy she met at the EST convention turns out to be Oleg (with a wig and a French accent).

I would be far more interested in seeing him desperately try to save his marriage, fail, and then desperately fall deeper into the clutches of the Soviets. I like the idea of a fearful Stan making fateful decisions.

Now this is truly worthy of a Jack Chick comic.

I was about to question the assertion from "The New No. 2" about Stan learning about Nina/Oleg, but your comment scares the crap out of me. Have you already screened episodes beyond this one? Is Oleg's leverage over Stan really going to blow up this quickly? I thought for sure that they would manipulate him

Sadly, he would probably be more likely to use it as proof of the truth of the old anti-semitic slurs about the Hollywood Establishment.