
If she weren't a lesbian, she would have had a horrible time choosing between the heroically cool Abraham and the brilliantly cool Eugene. Too bad the only female in the group is that homely wallflower Rosita.

Thug 1: I claimed that!

Okay, how about "these pissing matches are dull."

It's actually possible to feel some anticipation now. The next events are not at all obvious. I am surprisingly disappointed to see this season coming to a close.

I completely didn't realize that was Tasha Yar. Cool! I hope she makes it into next season!

I have no use for any insights from anyone that was not pumped by the grin that overtakes Glenn's face as he begins running toward Terminus.

One additional lesson that's sinking in for me is that there really is no "generational stupidity." Intelligence truly seems to be distributed pretty equally across generations (as well as genders and races). Maturity and wisdom, not so much. But I would be loath to suggest that the skinny-jean idiots are any more or

Scott Glenn played Shepard as a bit brighter than the reality; I suspect that Harrington can bring that dimmer Quinn swagger to the role effectively. Few of the early astronauts were really rocket scientists.

I think that I qualify as one of the "older men" around here (46) and I have proudly worn fedoras for several years. My daughters bought me my first as a Father's Day present, and refer to it as my "Ricky Ricardo hat." This past year, my oldest bought me a wide-brimmed porkpie that is now my "Heisenberg hat."

Martin seems convinced that A Feast for Crows is rich and deep enough for at least a couple seasons' worth of material. Why is everyone so worried about the next book? Surely they know what they're doing, right?

That's a sad song, when we need mo' glee!

"When you're an actor, you learn to live with the idea of people wanting you burned."

Now Tim DeKay is available for a Netflix reprise of Carnavale!

Has White Collar ever failed to resolve a season-ending cliffhanger in the first 20 minutes of the next season's premiere?

It is now clear to me that The Americans really needs to show us a scene with Paige sneaking off to a football game at which she falls for the tuba player during a half-time rendition of Tusk.

Once you have daughters and your number of The Little Mermaid viewings hits double digits, you will never forget what a dinglehopper is.

Now I have to go back to see whether Elsa's mother had a dinglehopper like Ariel's.


Sure, but too many of us waste all of our breath ranting about the Fred Phelps and the "new Hitlers" of the world while the true powers that be carry on in peace. We can feel really good about ourselves, while congratulating each other for agreeing that Phelps was awful, but nothing changes.

The man was a ridiculous creature that should inspire bemusement and pity, not the venom his death seems to be unleashing. I can't bring myself to feel tremendous passion about the end of a joke of a life, as despicable as he may have been.